Werîsê Sor - Kızıl Urgan
Payiza 1960an ciwanekî îrlendî a navê Alan Ward ku hêj 23 salî bû hate Diyarbekirê û di Kolejia Perwerde ya Diyarbekirê de (Diyarbakır Maarif Koleji) wek mamosteyê engilîzî û matematîkê dest bi kar kir. Hêj çar mehên xwe tijî nekirî ji karê xwe hat dûrxistin û izna wî ya îqametê hate betalkirin. Home yek ne ji ber kêmasiya wî ya mamosteyî bû, lê ji lewma bû ku fêrî kurdî bûbû û bi xwendekaran re bi kurdî xeber dida. Ew ciwanê dilsoz û qedrzan vegeriya welatê xwe. Lê ewqas di bin bandora Diyarbekir û kurdan de mabû ku wî tu caran ew ji bir nekirin. Salekê li ser wan çar mehên xwe yên li Diyarbekirê û hevalên xwe yên kurd hizirî û helbesteke dirêj nivîsî bi navê La Còrda Roja anku Werîsê Sor , û di sala 1964an de bi zimanê oxîtanî û frensî diameter dirt. At home, we are also wergera and helbestê ye, ku bi and bangê dest pê dike:
Roja tu min darda dikî, birayê tirk
roja tu min darda dikî, ho turkmen
Ask me for more
ask wek çem
ask wek Dîcle li demsala baranan
The day you hanged me, my Turkish brother,
The day you hanged me, O Turkmen
Let my rope be red
Red like the color of the river
Red like the Tigris in the rainy season
In the autumn of 1960, an Irish young man named Alan Ward, who was only 23 years old, came to Diyarbakır and started working as an English and Mathematics teacher at Diyarbakır Maarif College. He was suspended from his duty before completing four months and his residence permit was cancelled. The reason for this sudden decision was that Ward learned Kurdish and spoke Kurdish to his students. This good-hearted and appreciative young man had to return to his hometown; But he was so impressed by Diyarbakır and the Kurds that he never forgot them. He spent a year reflecting on his time in Diyarbakir and his Kurdish friends there, and published his work in Occitan and French in 1964. La Corda Roja well Red Tether He wrote a long poem called. The book you have in your hand consists of the Kurdish and Turkish translation of this poem.
Publisher | : | Avesta Publications |
Number of pages | : | 88 |
Publication Year | : | 2021 |
ISBN | : | 9786257253420 |
Dimensions | : | 13 x 19.5 |
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