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Vatandaşlık ve Etnik Çatışma

Vatandaşlık ve Etnik Çatışma

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Prepared by: Haldun Gülalp

Turkey, Germany, Israel, Greece, Iraq and Lebanon: From a comparative perspective, how these countries define nationality and citizenship, how they determine who is a citizen and who is not, and how they change and transform these definitions and determinations over time are examined in Citizenship and Ethnic Conflict. The book derives its strength from the exemplary countries it chooses as the subject of analysis. Because each of these countries has experienced the common problems of building a nation-state, they have had to answer the question of how to define the relationship between the nation-state and ethnicity, religion or other forms of community, and how to ensure the legitimacy of these definitions in the eyes of the subject population against frequent challenges. These countries have different forms of citizenship, but they face similar problems. Differences aside, in all of these countries, an ethnic or religious identity lies at the heart of the national community, whether explicit or implicit. Comparison of these different examples shows that the ambivalence shared by each regarding nation-building (universalism versus exclusionary communitarianism) was handled in different ways, and different conclusions were reached, ranging from civil war to the peaceful redefinition of citizenship rights.

Number of Pages: 192

Year of Printing: 2015

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Metis Publishing Year

of First Printing: 2007

Number of Pages: 192

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Metis Publishing
Number of pages : 192
Publication Year : 2015
ISBN : 9789753426169
The heart : Turkish
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