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Tüfek Mikrop ve Çelik

Tüfek Mikrop ve Çelik

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“This book is a brief history of thirteen thousand years of people on all continents. Everyone and everything is explained. It demolishes racist approaches by explaining the different developments of different societies on different continents in a convincing and scientific way... You will not be able to put it down after reading the first two pages.”
-Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University-

“Fascinating… It provides a basis for understanding human history.”
-Bill Gates-

“A book of big questions and big answers.”
-Yuval Noah Harari-

“An incredibly comprehensive book. Jared Diamond achieves what many other authors have failed to do and successfully tells the history of the entire world in six hundred pages. "One of the most important and readable books about human history published in recent years."

“Serious and groundbreaking books in human history research come only once in every generation. Rifle, Germs and Steel are ready to take their place among these classics... Diamond combines its mastery of technology with a wide historical scope. "A book this meticulous and comprehensive has not been published in years."
-Washington Times-

“Jared Diamond explains scientific data in a way that everyone can understand and covers a subject that will attract the attention of anyone wondering how human history developed... He has done everyone a great favor by producing a scientifically based theory in response to racist responses. “An incredibly interesting book.”
-Los Angeles Times-

The 13,000-year history of all people living on Earth…

Human history is full of states, wars, discoveries, inventions and innovations. While empires were established and destroyed, events took place that changed the course of history and determined the fate of continents. But how did human history begin and how was it shaped? Why is the geography of Anatolia and the Middle East so important in the flow of history? Why could horses be domesticated in Eurasia, but not zebras in Africa? Why didn't the natives of the Americas invade Europe and vice versa? Why did some societies remain rich while others remained poor?

Guns, Germs and Steel is a magnificent work that asks the most crucial and important questions of human history and answers them with scientific evidence. It is a history book that shows the future, written using many fields such as biology, geography, linguistics and history, free from "Western" conditions.

This book examines in detail how religions were born, how states were established, how microbes and the diseases related to them formed, the importance of agriculture and animal husbandry in our lives, why writing was invented, how and why human beings developed technology, and what the foundations of human history are.

And the whole story begins 13,000 years ago, when a person living in the Middle East planted a grain of wheat in the ground.

“Artistic, informative and entertaining… There's nothing like seeing a window into a subject that illuminates aspects you've never thought of before, and Jared Diamond has done just that.”
-William H. McNeil, New York Review of Books-

“The scope and explanatory power of this book are incredible.”
-The New Yorker-

“We can clearly see in Guns, Germs and Steel that no scientist can explain social issues as clearly and easily as Jared Diamond. Combining biology and history in this incredibly successful book, Jared Diamond explains the human condition in more depth than ever before.”
-Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University-

“A breathtaking book that explains how our world of haves and have-nots came to be. "This is a subject that has never been handled with such expertise and compassion."
-The Times-

“An extraordinary and persuasive book. “The scope is incredible.”

“This book transformed me from a historian researching medieval wars to a student of human history.”
Yuval Noah Harari-

“Interesting and extremely important… A summary of this book would be unfair to it.”

-David Brown-

“It deserves the attention of anyone who is curious about human history at its most basic level. A work at its peak. Diamond has written a logical and evidence-based account of human history.”

-Thomas M. Disch-

(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Dough Type: 2nd Dough

Number of Printings: 1st Edition

First Printing Year: 2018

Number of Pages: 664

Size: 13.5 x 21

Language Turkish

Original Title: Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

Publisher : the winged horse
Number of pages : 664
Publication Year : 2018
ISBN : 9786052994573
The heart : Turkish
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Tüfek Mikrop ve Çelik “Bu kitap tüm kitalardaki insanlarin on üç bin yillik kisa tarihi. Herkes ve her sey anlatiliyor. Farkli kitalardaki farkli toplumlarin farkli gelismelerini ikna edici ve bilimsel bir sekilde açiklayarak irkçi yaklasimlari yerle bir ediyor… Ilk iki sayfayi okuduktan sonra elinizden birakamayacaksiniz.” -Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford Üniversitesi- “Büyüleyici… Insanlik tarihini anlamak için bir temel olusturuyor.” -Bill Gates-  “Büyük sorularin ve büyük cevaplarin kitabi.” -Yuval Noah Harari- “Inanilmaz derecede kapsamli bir kitap. Jared Diamond diger birçok yazarin basaramadigini basariyor ve alti yüz sayfa içinde tüm dünyanin tarihini basarili bir sekilde anlatiyor. Son yillarda insanlik tarihi hakkinda basilmis en önemli ve okunakli kitaplardan biri.”  -Nature- “Insanlik tarihi arastirmalarinda ciddi ve çigir açici kitaplar ancak her nesilde bir geliyor. Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik de bu klasiklerin arasinda yerini almaya hazir… Diamond teknolojiye olan hâkimiyetini genis bir tarihsel kapsamla birlestiriyor. Yillardir bu kadar özenli ve genis kapsamli bir kitap basilmamisti.” -Washington Times- “Jared Diamond, bilimsel verileri herkesin anlayabilecegi bir biçimde açikliyor ve insanlik tarihinin nasil gelistigini merak eden herkesin ilgisini çekecek bir konuyu isliyor… Irkçi yanitlara karsilik bilimsel temelli bir teori üreterek herkese büyük bir iyilik yapmis. Inanilmaz derecede ilgi çekici bir kitap.” -Los Angeles Times- Dünya üzerinde yasayan bütün insanlarin 13.000 yillik tarihi… Insanlik tarihi, devletler, savaslar, kesifler, icatlar ve yeniliklerle doludur. Imparatorluklar kurulup yikilirken, tarihin seyrini degistiren, kitalarin kaderlerini belirleyen olaylar yasandi. Ancak insanlik tarihi nasil basladi ve nasil sekillendi? Anadolu ve Orta Dogu cografyasi tarihin akisinda neden bu kadar önemli? Neden Avrasya’da atlar evcillestirilebilirken Afrika’da zebralar evcillestirilemedi? Neden Amerika kitasinin yerlileri Avrupa’yi istila etmedi de tersi oldu? Neden bazi toplumlar zenginken digerleri fakir kaldi? Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik, insanlik tarihinin en can alici ve önemli sorularini soran ve bilimsel kanitlarla yanitlayan muhtesem bir eser. Biyoloji, cografya, dilbilim ve tarih gibi birçok alandan yararlanarak yazilmis, “Batili” kosullandirmalardan arinmis, gelecegi gösteren bir tarih kitabi. Dinlerin nasil dogdugu, devletlerin nasil kuruldugu, mikroplarin ve onlara bagli hastaliklarin nasil olustugu, tarim ve hayvanciligin hayatimizdaki önemi, yazinin neden icat edildigi, insanoglunun teknolojiyi nasil ve neden gelistirdigi, insanlik tarihinin temellerinin neler oldugu ayrintilariyla bu kitapta inceleniyor.  Ve tüm hikâye bundan 13.000 yil önce Orta Dogu’da yasayan bir insanin bir bugday tanesini topraga ekmesiyle basliyor. “Sanatsal, bilgilendirici ve eglenceli… Bir konunun daha önce akla hiç gelmemis yönlerini aydinlatan bir pencere görmek gibisi yoktur ve Jared Diamond da tam olarak bunu yapmis.”   -William H. McNeil, New York Review of Books- “Bu kitabin kapsami ve açiklayici gücü inanilmaz.”  -The New Yorker- “Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik’te açikça görebiliyoruz ki, hiçbir bilim insani sosyal meseleleri Jared Diamond kadar açikça ve rahatlikla anlatamiyor. Bu inanilmaz derecede basarili kitapta biyoloji ve tarih bilimlerini birlestiren Jared Diamond insan durumunu hiç olmadigi kadar derinlemesine anlatiyor.”   -Edward O. Wilson, Harvard Üniversitesi- “Sahip olanlar ve olmayanlardan olusan dünyamizin nasil olustugunu açiklayan nefes kesici bir kitap. Daha önce hiç bu kadar büyük bir uzmanlik ve sefkatle islenmemis bir konu.” -The Times- “Fevkalade ve ikna edici bir kitap. Kapsami ise inanilmaz.” -Observer- “Bu kitap beni Orta Çag savaslarini arastiran bir tarihçiden insanlik tarihi ögrencisine dönüstürdü.” Yuval Noah Harari- “Ilgi çekici ve asiri derecede önemli… Bu kitabin bir özetinin çikarilmasi ona haksizlik olur.” -David Brown- “En temel düzeyde insanlik tarihini merak eden herkesin ilgisini hak ediyor. Zirvede bir eser. Diamond insanlik tarihinin mantikli ve kanitlara dayanan bir öyküsünü yazmis.” -Thomas M. Disch-   (Tanitim Bülteninden)   Hamur Tipi : 2. Hamur Baski Sayisi : 1. Basim Ilk Baski Yili : 2018 Sayfa Sayisi : 664 Ebat : 13,5 x 21 Dil : Türkçe Orijinal Adi : Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies PX0005010
Tüfek Mikrop ve Çelik


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