Toplumsal Bellek ve Belgesel Sinema

Toplumsal Bellek ve Belgesel Sinema

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While our human heritage, which we have carried from thousands of years ago to today, is building our present, on the other hand, it emerges as an important determinant in the construction of our future. The traces and effects of social memory, which we often do not perceive with conscious awareness within the social structure and experiences, sometimes stand as an opportunity, sometimes as a threat and danger, in the face of the individual's search for freedom, awareness and socialization. Values and judgments that we encounter with stereotypes and prejudices in our relationships with the "other" in social life, are reproduced repeatedly and form our memory; It affects and determines our lives, our relationships with others and our vision of the future.

Science, philosophy and art are the areas where oppositional readings and actions take place, where we try to overcome this domineering determinism of the dominant system. Documentary cinema is one of the most effective tools in these searches. It is a type of cinema that focuses on human stories left out of the accepted judgments of history and tries to show that history and the present can be read and constructed in a different way. The basic function of documentaries is to "re-read, remember and record" the facts that have been put to sleep and forgotten and erased from memory. Documentary cinema realizes this reality by abstracting and interpreting it with the possibilities of aesthetics. Documentaries shot in recent years try to present an alternative history by making different readings of some issues that have taken place in our social memory. The increasing number of quality documentaries focuses on the function of documentary cinema; It requires a new look in terms of its relationship with history, society and memory. It is clear that this is not a coincidence, but rather the subject of a debate that includes changing social conditions, perception of the system, and the individual.
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 256

Year of Printing: 2015

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Details Publications

Editor: Enis Riza

First Printing Year: 2015

Number of Pages: 256

Language Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 256
Publication Year : 2015
ISBN : 9789755399829
The heart : Turkish
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Toplumsal Bellek ve Belgesel Sinema Binlerce yil öncesinden bugüne tasidigimiz insanlik mirasimiz simdiki zamanimizi insa ederken, diger yandan gelecegimizin kurgulanmasinda önemli bir belirleyen olarak karsimiza çikmaktadir. Toplumsal yapi ve yasantilar içinde çogu zaman bilinçli bir farkindalikla algilamadigimiz toplumsal bellegin izi ve etkileri, bireyin özgürlük arayislarinin, bilinçlenmesinin ve toplumsallasmanin karsisinda kimi zaman bir olanak, bazen de bir tehdit ve tehlike olarak duruyor. Toplumsal yasanti içinde ''öteki'' ile olan iliskilerimizde stereotiplerle, önyargilarla karsimiza çikan, tekrarlanarak yeniden üretilen ve bellegimizi olusturan degerler ve yargilar; yasantimizi, baskalariyla iliskilerimizi ve gelecek tasavvurumuzu etkiler ve belirler. Bilim, felsefe ve sanat egemen sistemin bu tahakkümkâr belirlemeciligini asmaya çalistigimiz, muhalif okumalarin ve eylemlerin gerçeklesme alanlari. Belgesel sinema bu arayislarin en etkili araçlarindan biri. Tarihin, kaniksanmis yargilarinin disinda birakilmis insan hikâyelerini merkezine alan, tarihin ve simdinin baska türlü okunup kurulabilecegini göstermeye çalisan bir sinema türü. Uyutulan ve unutulan, belleklerden silinen gerçeklerin ''yeniden okunmasi, animsanmasi ve kayit altina alinmasi'', belgesellerin temel islevi. Belgesel sinema bu gerçekligi estetigin olanaklariyla soyutlayip yorumlayarak gerçeklestiriyor.Son yillarda çekilen belgeseller, toplumsal bellegimize yer etmis kimi konularin baska türlü okumalarini yaparak alternatif bir tarih de sunmaya çalismakta. Sayilari artan nitelikli belgeseller, belgesel sinemanin islevine; tarih, toplum ve bellekle iliskisi açisindan yeniden bakmayi gerekli kilmaktadir. Bunun bir rastlantidan çok degisen toplumsal kosullari, sistem algisini, bireyi de içine alan bir tartismanin konusu oldugu açiktir. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 256Baski Yili: 2015Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Editör : Enis Riza Ilk Baski Yili : 2015 Sayfa Sayisi : 256 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0349
Toplumsal Bellek ve Belgesel Sinema


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