Tatlı Şiddet

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In this book, which is a masterpiece, Terry Eagleton attempts a political analysis of tragedy and the history of tragedies. This critical study, which explores a wide range of interdisciplinary fields from drama to literature and philosophy, from religion to theology and anthropology, creates a radical route that reveals the connections and clusters between ancient fertility cults and sacrificial rhythms and modern age revolutions. Defining "pain" as a common variable of meaning, a "language" that enables the sharing of the common and where different life forms can enter into dialogue, Eagleton argues against culturalist and historicist "arrogance" and relativity, and defines tragic art on the basis of the continuities inherent in the species and existential nature of human beings. , puts what is fragile and slow in an illuminating context. Eagleton traces this context among ancient tragedies, sacred texts, modern novel traditions and modern and postmodern cultural transformations, from Christianity to Marxism and existentialism, from Hegel to Beckett, from tragic heroes in the tragic scenes to the Holocaust and real-life tragedies. It asks important questions and opens them up for discussion, accompanied by examples ranging from democracy to fascism and socialism: Should a genuine objectivity paradigm be ethical, not epistemological? Could the weakness, fragility, irritability and vulnerability of the human being as a species-body be not an obstacle to radical politics, but on the contrary, a source of strength? What is the uncanny power that will transform the system in the scapegoat, which embodies dirt, madness and guilt? Why does it carry the seeds of a revolutionary representation? What do the Lears, Oedipuses, Abrahams and Antigones, who reject the demands of the symbolic order and have strayed into a complete life-in-death purgatory, represent and what is the meaning and meaning of this representation in today's world?

This book by Terry Eagleton is a bold and comprehensive work that bridges the author's secular and socialist ideas with his metaphysical and theological aspirations...
Prof. Homi K. Bhabha, Harvard University

Number of Pages: 400

Year of Printing: 2012

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Details Publications

First Print Year: 2012

Number of Pages: 400

Language Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 400
Publication Year : 2012
ISBN : 9789755396460
Translator : Kutlu Tunca
The heart : Turkish
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Nursel DOĞAN | 25/10/2024
Tatlı Şiddet Terry Eagleton bir basyapit niteligindeki bu kitabinda, trajedinin ve tragedyalar tarihinin siyasal bir analizine girisiyor. Dramadan edebiyat ve felsefeye, dinden teoloji ve antropolojiye kadar disiplinlerarasi genis bir alanda gezinen bu elestirel çalisma, antik çag bereket kültleri ve kurban ritimleriyle modern çag devrimleri arasinda baglanti ve kümelenmeleri açiga vuran radikal bir güzergâh yaratiyor. ''Aci''yi ortak bir anlam degiskeni, ortak olanin paylasimini saglayan ve farkli yasam biçimlerinin diyaloga girebilecegi bir ''dil'' olarak tanimlayan Eagleton, kültürcü ve tarihselci ''kibir'' ve görelilige karsi, insanin türsel, varolussal dogasina içkin süreklilikler temelinde trajik sanati, insanda kisitli, kirilgan ve yavas isleyen seyi aydinlatici bir baglama yerlestiriyor. Antik çag tragedyalari, kutsal metinler, modern çag roman gelenekleri ve modern, postmodern kültürel dönüsümler arasinda bu baglamin izlerini süren Eagleton, Hiristiyanliktan Marksizm'e ve varolusçuluga, Hegel'den Beckett'e, tragedya sahnelerindeki trajik kahramanlardan Holocaust'a ve gerçek hayat trajedilerine, demokrasiden fasizme ve sosyalizme uzanan örnekler esliginde önemli sorular sorarak, bunlari tartismaya açiyor: Hakiki bir nesnellik paradigmasi, epistemolojik degil, etik mi olmalidir? Bir tür-beden olarak insanin zafiyeti, kirilganligi, sinirliligi ve savunmasizligi radikal politikanin bir engeli degil, tam aksine bir güç kaynagi olabilir mi? Kiri, deliligi ve suçlulugu bedenlestiren günah keçisindeki sistemi dönüstürecek tekinsiz güç nedir? O niçin devrimci bir temsilin tohumlarini tasir? Sembolik düzenin taleplerini reddeden ve tam bir ölümde-yasam arafina sapmis olan Lear'lar, Oidipus'lar, Ibrahim'ler, Antigone'ler neyi temsil eder ve bu temsilin günümüz dünyasindaki anlam ve karsiligi nedir?Terry Eagleton'in bu kitabi, yazarin seküler ve sosyalist fikirleriyle metafizik ve teolojik özlemleri arasinda köprü kuran cesur ve kapsamli bir çalisma...Prof. Homi K. Bhabha, Harvard ÜniversitesiSayfa Sayisi: 400Baski Yili: 2012Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2012 Sayfa Sayisi : 400 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0520
Tatlı Şiddet


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