Son Mektup - Bir Aşk Hikayesi

Son Mektup - Bir Aşk Hikayesi

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You will soon be eighty-two years old. You've lost two inches in height, you weigh at most forty-five kilos, and you're still beautiful, attractive, and desirable. We have lived together for fifty-eight years and I love you more than ever. André Gorz begins his letter to Dorine, his lover, his life partner, the meaning of his life, with these words. While he says that he needs to reconstruct the story of their love in order to fully understand its meaning, he is careful to underline that this is a "promise", a "contract that will last a lifetime". It places the story of fifty-eight years of togetherness and struggle for coexistence, with its excitements, happiness and troubles, on an emotional as well as intellectual platform. While he considers marriage as a bourgeois institution and love as "the coming together of two people in the least social area", he discovers with Dorine the fact that love also has a dynamic and can be directed and adapted according to changing conditions... Gorz adopted Marxism with an existential approach, In his theoretical studies, he particularly focused on the issues of alienation and freedom. He became one of the most important thinkers of political ecology and libertarian socialism by criticizing the division of labor specific to capitalism and the irrational use of world resources. Gorz and Dorine, who throughout their lives chose not to remain silent against the injustices in the world but to fight, are forced to make a radical decision after Dorine's painful, incurable illness that lasted for many years: to use the right to end their own lives... Thus, in death as in life, they are forced to make a radical decision. They will not be separated, they will not have to "live after the other's death"... Gorz's letter appears before us as a hope, even a cry of rebellion, in today's world where the concepts of love and affection, like everything else, are emptied of their essence and consumed quickly. A shocking scream that touches our hearts...
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 64

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Ayrinti Yayinlari

First Edition Year: 2007

Number of Pages: 64

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 64
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9789755395210
Translator : Alev Özgüner
The heart : Turkish
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Son Mektup - Bir Aşk Hikayesi Yakinda seksen iki yasinda olacaksin. Boyun alti santim kisaldi, olsa olsa kirk bes kilosun ve hâlâ güzel, çekici, arzu uyandiricisin. Elli sekiz yildir birlikte yasiyoruz ve ben seni her zamankinden çok seviyorum. André Gorz sevgilisi, hayat arkadasi, hayatinin anlami Dorine'e yazdigi mektuba bu sözlerle baslar. Anlamini tümüyle kavramak için asklarinin hikâyesini yeniden kurmasi gerektigini söylerken, bunun bir ''vaat'', ''ömür boyu sürecek bir sözlesme'' oldugunun altini çizmeye özen gösterir. Heyecanlari, mutluluklari ve sikintilariyla elli sekiz yil süren bir beraberligin, birlikte varolus mücadelesinin hikâyesini duygusal oldugu kadar düsünsel bir platforma oturtmaktadir. Evliligi bir burjuva kurumu, aski da ''iki kisinin en az toplumsal olan alanda bir araya gelmesi'' diye degerlendirirken, askin da bir dinamigi oldugu, degisen kosullara göre yönlendirilip uyarlanabilecegi gerçegini kesfeder Dorine'le birlikte... Gorz, Marksizmi varolusçu bir yaklasimla benimsemis, kuramsal çalismalarinda özellikle yabancilasma ve özgürlük konularina egilmistir. Kapitalizme özgü isbölümünü, dünya kaynaklarinin akildisi kullanimini elestirerek siyasi ekolojinin ve özgürlükçü sosyalizmin en önemli düsünürlerinden biri haline gelmistir. Hayatlari boyunca yeryüzündeki haksizliklar karsisinda sessiz kalmayip, mücadele etmeyi seçen Gorz ve Dorine, Dorine'in uzun yillar süren aci verici, onulmaz hastaliginin ardindan radikal bir karar almak zorunda kalir: kendi hayatlarina son verme hakkini kullanmak... Böylece, yasamda oldugu gibi ölümde de ayrilmayacak, ''digerinin ölümünden sonra yasamak'' zorunda kalmayacaklardir... Her sey gibi ask, sevgi kavramlarinin da içinin bosaltildigi, çabucak tüketildigi günümüzde bir umut, hatta bir isyan çigligi gibi karsimiza çikiyor Gorz'un mektubu. Sarsici ve ta yüregimize isleyen bir çiglik...(Tanitim Bülteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 64Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2007 Sayfa Sayisi : 64 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0585
Son Mektup - Bir Aşk Hikayesi


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