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Şark İstiklal Mahkemesi

Şark İstiklal Mahkemesi

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Independence Courts can be considered among the most important institutions of our recent history. These courts were entrusted to people who were not lawyers. It was essential to make decisions in line with Mustafa Kemal's wishes in the courts, where the majority consisted of deputies of military origin. Although the hearings were open, verdicts were usually given in advance. The reason why court decisions were ridiculed by the public as "execution of the defendant, subsequent hearing of the witnesses" was the comedy of finding justification to legitimize the previously given verdict. Anyone who opposed the Republican regime and Mustafa Kemal was a potential criminal and could be tried in the Independence Tribunals. Thanks to these courts, Mustafa Kemal could easily liquidate all his rivals and opponents. Moreover; He also had the chance to strike fear into the hearts of those who had not yet gone to court. As a matter of fact, Halis Turgut and Canpolat Bey, who were sentenced to ten years of heavy imprisonment in the Izmir assassination, paid for their objections to the sentence with their lives. Their sentences were commuted to death and executed immediately, within the same hearing and without the need for any additional charges or documentation. The Sark Independence Tribunal, one of the most well-known examples of the Independence Tribunals, was established to try the rebels captured during the Sheikh Sait uprising in the east. However, the court also assumed some other duties. Liquidating feudalism in the East, suppressing Islamists and Kurds, silencing the opposition Istanbul press, and preparing the end of the Progressive Republican Party were some of these extra duties. Ahmet Emin Yalman, the owner of the Cumhuriyet Vatan newspaper, who was tried in the Sark Independence Court in Elazig, describes this court as "... a terrible revolutionary court that handed out death sentences in groups and carried out its sentences without asking anyone or being accountable to anyone." It is known that the records of the Independence Tribunal, which we have not had the chance to examine until now, are the most important reference sources in order to fully understand the Sheikh Said incident, which caused the break in relations between the nation state built after 1923 and the Kurdish people. These records contain documents, such as Sheikh Said's correspondence, that provide rich data about the purpose and course of the movement. Mahmut Akyürekli's more comprehensive study on the subject was published by History Club Publications in two volumes under the name "Sark Independence Tribunal with its Justifications and Provisions, 1925 -1927".

(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Dough Type: 2nd Dough

First Printing Year: 2017

Size: 15x21

Number of Printings: 1st Edition

Number of Pages: 192

Media Type: Paperback

Publisher : History Club Publications
Number of pages : 192
Publication Year : 2018
ISBN : 9786056669231
The heart : Turkish
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Nursel DOĞAN | 25/10/2024
Şark İstiklal Mahkemesi Istiklal Mahkemeleri, yakin tarihimizin en önemli kurumlari arasinda gösterilebilir. Bu mahkemeler hukukçu olmayan kisilere emanet edilmisti. Asker kökenli milletvekillerinin çogunlugu olusturdugu mahkemelerde Mustafa Kemal’in istekleri dogrultusunda karar vermek esasti. Durusmalar açik yapilsa da genellikle hükümler önceden veriliyordu. Mahkeme kararlarinin halk arasinda “sanigin idamina, taniklarin bilahare dinlenmesine” biçiminde alaya alinmasinin sebebi de önceden verilmis hükmü mesrulastirmak için sergilenen gerekçe bulma komedyasiydi. Cumhuriyet rejimine ve Mustafa Kemal’e muhalif olan herkes potansiyel suçluydu ve Istiklal Mahkemeleri’nde yargilanabilirdi. Mustafa Kemal bu mahkemeler sayesinde bütün rakip ve muhaliflerini kolayca tasfiye edebiliyordu. Dahasi; henüz mahkeme yolu düsmemis olanlarin yüreklerine korku salma sansina da sahipti. Nitekim Izmir suikastinda on yil agir hapis cezasina çarptirilan Halis Turgut ve Canpolat Bey, cezaya itirazlarini canlariyla ödemislerdi. Cezalari ayni celse içinde ve hiçbir ek suçlama veya belgeye ihtiyaç duyulmadan aninda idama çevrildi ve infaz edildiler. Istiklal Mahkemeleri’nin en bilinen örneklerinden Sark Istiklal Mahkemesi ise doguda çikan Seyh Sait ayaklanmasini sirasinda yakalanan isyancilari yargilamak üzere kuruldu. Ancak mahkeme baska bazi görevleri de üstlenmisti. Doguda ki feodalizmi tasfiye etmek, Islamcilari ve Kürtleri sindirmek, muhalif Istanbul basinini susturmak, Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Firkasinin sonunu hazirlamak, bu ekstra görevlerden birkaçiydi. Elazig’daki Sark Istiklal Mahkemesi’nde yargilanan Cumhuriyetçi Vatan gazetesinin sahibi Ahmet Emin Yalman bu mahkemeyi “… takim takim ölüm cezalari veren ve hükümlerini kimseye sormadan, kimseye hesap vermeden yürüten korkunç ihtilal mahkemesi” seklinde tanimliyor. 1923 yilinda sonra insa edilen ulus devletinin Kürt halkiyla iliskinin kopmasina neden olan Seyh Sait hadisesini tam anlamiyla kavrayabilmek için, bu güne kadar inceleme sansina sahip olamadigimiz Istiklal Mahkemesi kayitlarinin en önemli basvuru kaynaklari olduklari biliniyor. Bu kayitlar Seyh Sait yazismalari gibi, hareketin maksadi ve seyri hakkinda zengin veriler sunan belgeler içeriyor. Mahmut Akyürekli’nin konu hakkindaki daha kapsamli bir çalismasi “Gerekçe ve Hükümleriyle Sark Istiklal Mahkemesi 1925 -1927” adiyla iki cilt halinde Tarih Kulübü Yayinlari tarafindan yayinlandi.  (Tanitim Bülteninden)    Hamur Tipi : 2. Hamur Ilk Baski Yili : 2017 Ebat : 15x21 Baski Sayisi : 1. Basim Sayfa Sayisi : 192 Medya Cinsi : Ciltsiz PX0005174
Şark İstiklal Mahkemesi


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