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Pontos Rumlarına Yönelik Soykırım

Pontos Rumlarına Yönelik Soykırım

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Konstantinos Fotiatis, the producer of many works on Pontus, especially the 13-volume monumental work Pontus Genocide Encyclopedia, this work, which refutes all arguments in Turkish official history denying the Pontic Genocide and deciphers the basis of the asymmetric war against the Pontic people, covers the recent history of Turkey. , opens the founding philosophy to discussion.

Fotiatis' work should be read as an anonymous elegy written by the people of Pontus who lost their homeland as a result of the genocidal process carried out systematically and with meticulous organization, in front of the eyes of the world and with the knowledge of the world.

Fotiatis shares with his readers a stage-by-stage analysis of how wave after wave of pogroms ended in genocide in the last decade. An analytical study; It focuses on the Pontic Genocide without omitting even the smallest settlement. He shares with the readers the arguments, documents and information of the victorious states' endless support to the Kemalist (Young Turk II) cadres, which was the key to the Committee of Union and Progress cadres' ability to continue their massacre policies despite receiving a fatal blow at the end of the war. In addition to revealing the Pontic Genocide in all its aspects, the work is also a monument of resistance of the Pontic people who resisted the genocide altogether. Between the pages of the book, we come face to face with the embodiment of Pontos' determined resistance.

(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Dough Type: 2nd Dough

Number of Printings: 1st Edition

First Printing Year: 2018

Number of Pages: 640

Size: 16 x 24

Language Turkish

Original Name: The Genocide of the Black Sea Greeks

Publisher : Document Publications
Number of pages : 640
Publication Year : 2018
ISBN : 9789753447614
The heart : Turkish
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Pontos Rumlarına Yönelik Soykırım 13 ciltlik anit çalismasi Pontos Soykirimi Ansiklopedisi basta olmak üzere Pontos üzerine yiginla yapitin üreticisi olan Konstantinos Fotiatis’in, Türk resmî tarihinin Pontos Soykirimi’ni inkâr eden bütün argümanlari çürüten ve Pontos halkina yönelik asimetrik savasin dayanaklarini da desifre eden bu çalisma Türkiye’nin yakin tarihini, kurulus felsefesini tartismaya açmaktadir. Fotiatis’in çalismasi, dünyanin gözü önünde ve dünyanin bilgisi dahilinde, sistematik bir sekilde ve titiz bir organizasyonla gerçeklestirilen soykirimsal süreç sonunda vatanini kaybeden Pontos halki tarafindan yazilan anonim bir agit olarak okunmalidir. Fotiatis, son on yillik dönemde dalga dalga gelen pogromlarin soykirimla neticelenmesini safha safha inceleyerek okuyuculariyla paylasmakta. Analitik bir çalisma; en küçük yerlesim birimini dahi atlanmadan Pontos Soykirimi’na mercek tutmus. Savas sonunda ölümcül darbe almasina ragmen, Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti kadrolarinin katliam politikalarina devam edebilmelerinin anahtari olan, galip devletlerin Kemalist (II. Jöntürk) kadrolara sonsuz desteginin argümanlarini, belge ve bilgilerini okuyucularla paylasiyor. Çalisma, Pontos Soykirimi’ni bütün yönleriyle gözler önüne sermesinin yaninda, soykirima karsi topyekûn direnen Pontos halkinin direnis anitidir. Kitabin sayfalari arasinda Pontos’un kararli direnisinin cisimlesmis haliyle yüz yüze kaliyoruz.   (Tanitim Bülteninden)     Hamur Tipi : 2. Hamur Baski Sayisi : 1. Basim Ilk Baski Yili : 2018 Sayfa Sayisi : 640 Ebat : 16 x 24 Dil : Türkçe Orijinal Adi : The Genocide of the Black Sea Greeks BELGE000142
Pontos Rumlarına Yönelik Soykırım


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