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"Those who have always been victorious until now take their place in the victory procession, in which today's rulers advance by trampling those who remain below. As always, the spoils are carried with the procession. These are called cultural riches... Cultural riches, without exception, have an origin that cannot be thought of without feeling a sense of horror. Their existence is simply They are indebted not only to the efforts of the great geniuses who created them, but also to the cultures endured by many anonymous people who lived in that age. There is no cultural product that is not also a document of barbarism. And just like the cultural product itself, the process of passing it from hand to hand also suffers from this barbarism. ..."

This time, Critical Theorist Walter Benjamin wanders not in the theoretical corridors of the Frankfurt School, but in the corridors of the inner courtyards of his memories. He is like a conversation partner who talks about many topics on a journey from the gray spring of Berlin to Ibiza and Marseille. The conversation gets serious from time to time, and sometimes it flows as if it were a half-dream, half-true story being listened to in a coffee house with marble tables.

And an era is breaking as we continue our conversation. "A generation that still went to school by horse-drawn carriage stands and waits against the cold and wind in the mountains where nothing changes except the clouds, and the tiny, skinny human body in the midst of devastating attacks and explosions" comes before our eyes.

Glitterings is not just a book consisting of Benjamin's essays; It is a stroll with a lonely philosopher through the longest years of Europe...
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 182

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Document Publications

Number of Pages: 182

First Printing Year: 1990

Language Turkish

Publisher : Document Publications
Number of pages : 182
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9789753442985
The heart : Turkish
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