Moby Dick
My name is Ismail. My thirst for adventure is the reason why I joined this whaling ship. In fact, when I started this journey, I didn't know that I would unexpectedly become friends with a harpooner named Queequeg and meet such a captain called Ahab, who is passionate about revenge. We sail in vast oceans and rough seas every day. Our target is a white whale. This is not an ordinary whale; Its name is Moby Dick and it caused Captain Ahab to lose one of his legs a long time ago. We have only one goal, and that is to find Moby Dick and enable Captain Ahab to take his revenge. I hope we will not all have to pay the price for this desire for revenge that Captain Ahab has turned into a kind of obsession...
Moby Dick, the masterpiece of American writer Herman Melville (1819-1891), is considered one of the most important works of world literature. The novel, which has been adapted to the big screen many times, continues to be one of the classics that maintains its popularity all over the world.
(From the Promotional Bulletin)
Number of Pages: 120
Year of Printing: 2014
Language: Turkish
Publisher: Arkadas Publishing
Adapted by: Ali Aydogan
Number of Pages: 120
First Printing Year: 2014
Language: Turkish
Publisher | : | Friend Publishing |
Number of pages | : | 120 |
Publication Year | : | 2014 |
ISBN | : | 9789755098050 |
The heart | : | Turkish |
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