Kurdistan , the navbera salên 1919-1920an de hatîye weşandin, kocareke fikrî ya sîyasî, komelî, literary û ilmî ye. Jimara wê ya yekemîn di 30ê Kanuna Sanî ya 1335 ( 30ê Kanûna Paşî ya 1919)an de hatîye belavkirin û li ser hev 19 jimar hatine Çakrın. Li ser çakkirina jimara yekemîn vir ve nêzîkê 105 sal derbas bûne û cara pêşî ye ku hemî jimar li ser hev û bi tevî werger, transkrîb û orjînalê xwe ve di nav rûpelên vê kitêba ber destê we also tê What a weshandin. In the meantime, in the first place, in naveroka nivîs û nasnameya nîvîskarên kavara Kurdistan ê, em dibînin ku du alîyên girîng ên naverok û armanca giştî ya weşan û xebatên rewşenbîrî yên wê demê derkevin pêş: A yekemîn, pêkanîna lêkolînên li ser ziman, literature, dîrok, Çand û rewşa civakî û sîyasî ya milletê kurd e; Ya hearemîn jî, a lêkolîn û ronîkirina van babetên cûre bi cûre, hişyarkirin û pêşxistina fikra neteweyî ya Kurdistanê ye.
Kurdistan is a weekly independent political, social, literary and scientific journal of thought published in Istanbul between 1919-1920. Its first issue was published on 30 Kanun Sani 1335 ( January 30, 1919) and a total of 19 issues were published during its publication period. Kurdistan magazine is also in Ottoman Turkish. , Articles were published in five languages: Kurdish, Persian, Arabic and French. Approximately 105 years have passed since the first issue was published. First of all, this edition includes the originals of all issues, Ottoman texts simplified according to today's Turkish, Kurmanji and Sorani texts transcribed into the Latin alphabet, You will see Arabic and Persian texts translated into Kurdish and Turkish together. When we look at the content of the articles published in Kurdistan magazine and the identity of the writers, two main features stand out regarding the cultural studies conducted during that period and the purpose of the publications. First; To investigate and shed light on the Kurdish language, literature, history, folklore, social and national relations. The second was to convey the ideas on reading the socio-political process in the region and the world to the Kurdish society by examining and researching the mentioned subjects and to ensure the development of a national consciousness in the Kurdish society.