Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı

Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı

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In this work called The Transparency of Evil, Baudrillard shows that the principles of development, progress and self-preservation, which are among the basic concepts that created the West, turn into the continuity of extinction and dying everywhere. The "sexual revolution" of the 1960s was not about sexual freedom; It led to the reign of transvestism and the mixing of male and female categories. With the "revolution in art", aesthetic categories such as good and bad were abandoned and trans-aesthetic copies of the "worst of the worst" type filled our lives. The cybernetic revolution eliminated the distinction between machine and human in favor of the machine; The "political revolution" that led to the end of politics has established the dominance of "trans-politics", which is a simulation of old political forms... The political immune system of the West is under threat due to the viruses within itself. The West, which has destroyed the different and the "other" since colonialism, is now a world of individuals who are copies of each other with their own gender and mentality, reproduced and derived from themselves, in the mirror of the "same". This person, who no longer lives in his "other hell" but in his own hell, has nothing left to discover in another; The only thing attractive is objects... Today, the Third World, which is the "other world" to which the West sent countless seeds of evil in the past, is seeking to take revenge on the West by rejecting the modern values it seems to have adopted for years... He defines himself as a "theoretical terrorist and nihilist" This work of Baudrillard is a lamentation, a cry for the extinction of humans and inter-human relations. It is a work that everyone who chooses to favor humanity and wants to strengthen this cry and turn it into a manifesto of opposition can participate by reading, thinking and taking a stand...
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 176

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Details Publications

First Printing Year: 2000

Number of Pages: 176

Language Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 176
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9789755395722
Translator : Işık Ergüden
The heart : Turkish
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Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı Baudrillard, Kötülügün Seffafligi adli bu eserinde, Bati'yi var eden temel kavramlardan olan gelisme, ilerleme ve kendini koruma ilkesinin, her yerde, yok olusun ve ölme halinin sürekliligine dönüstügünü gösterir. 1960'larin ''cinsel devrim''i, cinsel özgürlüge degil; travestiligin hükümranligina, kadin ve erkek kategorilerinin birbirine karismasina yol açmistir. ''Sanatta devrim'' ile iyi ve kötü gibi estetik düzeye dair kategoriler terk edilerek ''kötünün de kötüsü'' türünden trans-estetik kopyalar hayatlarimizi doldurmustur. Sibernetik devrim, makine ile insan arasindaki ayrimi makine lehine ortadan kaldirmis; politikanin sonuna yol açan ''politik devrim'' ise eski politik biçimlerin simülasyonu olan ''trans-politika''nin egemenligini kurmustur... Bati'nin politik bagisiklik sistemi, kendi bünyesindeki virüsler nedeniyle tehdit altindadir. Sömürgecilikten bu yana, farkli olani ve ''öteki''ni yok etmis olan Bati, artik ''ayni''nin aynasinda, kendi kendinden üreyen ve türeyen cinsiyet ve zihniyetleriyle birbirinin kopyasi olan bireylerin dünyasidir. Artik ''öteki cehennemi''nde degil, kendi cehenneminde yasayan bu insanin bir digerinde kesfedebilecegi hiçbir sey kalmamistir; çekici tek sey nesnelerdir... Geçmiste Bati'nin sayisiz kötülük tohumu gönderdigi ''öteki dünya'' olan Üçüncü Dünya da bugün, yillarca benimsemis gibi gözüktügü modern degerleri reddedisiyle Bati'dan rövansi almanin pesindedir... Kendisini ''kuramsal terörist ve nihilist'' olarak tanimlayan Baudrillard'in bu eseri, insanin ve insanlar arasi iliskilerin yok olusuna bir agit, bir çigliktir. Seçimi insandan yana olan ve bu çigligi güçlendirip bir karsi çikis manifestosuna dönüstürmek isteyen herkesin okuyarak, düsünerek ve tavir alarak katilabilecegi bir eser...(Tanitim Bülteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 176Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2000 Sayfa Sayisi : 176 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0684
Kötülüğün Şeffaflığı


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