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Kızıl İsyan Serisi - Özel Kutulu Set 3 Kitap Takım

Kızıl İsyan Serisi - Özel Kutulu Set 3 Kitap Takım

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Red Rising

I am the spark that will set the worlds on fire. I am the hammer that will break the chains. I am the hope of my people and of all those living in captivity. Because I know that a person cannot be free with the injustice that enslaves him. In the future, Reds constitute the lowest class of the Society, which is divided into classes according to color codes. Like all other Reds, Darrow spends his days working in the mines with the belief that they are making Mars a livable planet for new generations. Moreover, he does this lovingly and willingly, believing that he will leave a better world to his children with his blood and sweat.

But the Reds were deceived. When Darrow discovers that his people are nothing more than slaves to the corrupt ruling class, he is driven by a longing for justice and the memory of his lost love. He gives up everything to infiltrate the legendary Institute, where humanity's next generation of Golden rulers battle for power. Forced to compete with the most successful and most brutal Golds at the cost of his life and the future of civilization, there is nothing Darrow won't do to defeat his enemies... Even if it means becoming one of them.

"An extraordinary adventure, a pulse-pounding adventure... Pierce Brown's stunning debut novel is reminiscent of The Hunger Games, Lord of the Flies and Ender's Game. It has everything you need to make your head spin."
-Entertainment Weekly-

Golden Son

I'm drifting in a sea of golden faces. Only the strong can survive here. Only the smart can manage. I still play games, but this is the deadliest of games. I am the sword of my people who have been enslaved for centuries. I will not forgive. And I won't forget.

Having emerged victorious from the fierce competition at the Mars Institute, Darrow, also known as Azrael, has risen to a respected position among the ruling elite, to the most cruel and intelligent Golds; He joined the Unique Wounded. But Darrow is not one of them: He has a past full of tragedy, where the future is built on lies, and which he cannot forget or forgive.

Not just any Gold to achieve the goal of destroying the system from within; The best, strongest, most intelligent, most indispensable must be Gold. There is no other way for him to lead his people to the light, but every step he takes along this path will darken Darrow's own shadow a little more.

"A far superior sequel to the first book; it takes its premise one step further in every conceivable context… It is a candidate for the best book of the year for science fiction fans."

"In Pierce Brown's universe, primitiveness and high technology come side by side; the dose of deception and heroism increases, and the adventure never slows down. Darrow, on the other hand, enters into more severe physical and emotional conflicts."
-Amazoncom, Seira Wilson-

"Immersive... Golden Son is the kind of adventure that would normally be expected from the last book of a trilogy, destroying dystopias and a sequel that rebels against clichés."
-Entertainment Weekly-

Morning Star

When all is lost, honor commands death, but there is still hope for the living.
For all the colors chained so that gold can rule the entire universe.
I'm not alone. I am not a victim.
I am Azrael.
I know how to suffer.
I know darkness.
The story won't end like this.

"Pierce Brown is the most hidden secret of science fiction. The striking and inspiring last book of the trilogy is filled with such tension that you can feel a pin drop between the lines."
-Entertainment Weekly-

"This series, which raised a brand new science fiction generation, reaches a red-hot ending that exceeds expectations.", Adrian Liang-

"Brown creates a multi-layered, alternative universe filled with characters that exist in the shadows between history and mythology, like Frank Herbert's Dune. The conclusion to the tremendous series is ambitious and satisfying."
- Kirkus Reviews-

While Darrow could have lived in peace, his enemies brought war to him. Golden rulers hanged their wives and enslaved their people. Darrow is determined to fight back and risks everything to infiltrate the Golds. He defeated the Society's strongest warriors and rose in rank. However, as he was getting closer step by step to the revolution that would collapse the hierarchy from within, he was suddenly shot in the back.

Trying not to fall into the darkness while the pain of betrayal has been added to the accumulated anger of his entire life, Darrow, torn between his loyalty to his Golden friends and his desire for freedom, is more vulnerable than ever with the fate of the Solar System on his shoulders. Will his former allies, who know his true identity, maintain their loyalty? Will his rebellion against the gold be successful? While Darrow tries to bring the civil war he started to absolute victory, Gold will make choices that will change the lives of millions of people resisting against tyrants.

"Excellent... It brings the interstellar civil war to a very satisfying conclusion, giving the reader a front-row seat to impassioned speeches, stories of torn families, and stunning scenes of conflict."
-Publishers Weekly-

"The Morning Star is to the Red Rebellion trilogy what Return of the Jedi is to Star Wars..."
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 1488

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Pegasus

First Publication Year: 2016

Number of Pages: 1488

Language: Turkish

Publisher : the winged horse
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9786052990315
Translator : Selim Janissary
The heart : Turkish
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Kızıl İsyan Serisi - Özel Kutulu Set 3 Kitap Takım siniflara ayrilmis Toplum'un en alt sinifini Kizillar olusturmaktadir. Diger bütün Kizillar gibi Darrow da, Mars'i yeni nesiller için yasanilir bir gezegen haline getirdikleri inanciyla günlerini madenlerde çalisarak geçirmektedir. Üstelik bunu severek ve isteyerek yapmakta, kani ve teriyle çocuklarina daha iyi bir dünya birakacagina inanmaktadir.Ancak Kizillar kandirilmistir. Darrow, halkinin yozlasmis yönetici sinifin kölesinden baska bir sey olmadigini kesfettiginde adalet özlemi ve kaybettigi askinin anisiyla hirslanir. Insanligin yeni nesil Altin hükümdarlarinin güç için mücadele ettigi efsanevi Enstitü'ye sizmak için her seyden vazgeçer. Hayati ve medeniyetin gelecegi pahasina en basarili ve en vahsi Altinlarla rekabet etmek zorunda kalacak olan Darrow'un düsmanlarini yenmek için artik yapmayacagi sey yoktur… Bu, onlardan birine dönüsmek anlamina gelse bile.''Olaganüstü bir macera, nabzinizi hizlandiracak bir serüven… Pierce Brown'in çarpici ilk romani Açlik Oyunlari, Sineklerin Tanrisi ve Ender'in Oyunu'nu animsatiyor. Basinizi döndürmek için gereken her seye sahip.'' -Entertainment Weekly- Altin Ogul Altin yüzlerden olusan bir denizde sürükleniyorum. Burada sadece güçlü olan hayatta kalabilir. Sadece akilli olan yönetebilir. Hâlâ oyun oynuyorum ama bu, oyunlarin en ölümcülü. Ben yüzyillardir kölelestirilen halkimin kiliciyim. Bagislamayacagim. Ve unutmayacagim.Mars Enstitüsü'ndeki amansiz rekabetten zaferle çikan Darrow, nami diger Azrail, yönetici seçkinler arasinda saygin bir konuma yükselmis, en zalim ve zeki Altinlara; Essiz Yaralilara katilmistir. Ancak Darrow onlardan biri degildir: Gelecegin yalanlar üzerine kurulu oldugu, trajediyle dolu, unutamayacagi ve affedemeyecegi bir geçmisi vardir.Sistemi içeriden yikma hedefine ulasmak için herhangi bir Altin degil; en iyi, en güçlü, en zeki, en vazgeçilmez Altin olmalidir. Halkini aydinliga çikarmasinin baska yolu yoktur ancak bu yol boyunca attigi her adim, Darrow'un kendi gölgesini biraz daha karartacaktir. ''Ilk kitaptan çok üstün bir devam kitabi; öncülünü akla gelebilecek her baglamda bir adim öteye tasiyor… Bilimkurgu hayranlari için yilin en iyi kitabi olmaya aday.'' -Torcom-''Pierce Brown'in evreninde ilkellik ile yüksek teknoloji yan yana geliyor; aldatmaca ve kahramanliklarin dozu artiyor, macera da asla hiz kesmiyor. Darrow ise daha agir fiziksel ve duygusal çatismalara giriyor.'' -Amazoncom, Seira Wilson-''Sürükleyici… Altin Ogul normalde bir üçlemenin son kitabindan beklenecek, distopyalari yerle bir eden türde bir macera ve kliselere baskaldiran bir devam kitabi.'' -Entertainment Weekly- Sabah Yildizi Her sey kaybedildiginde onur ölümü emreder ama yasayanlar için hâlâ umut var.Altinlar tüm evrene hükmedebilsin diye zincire vurulmus tüm renkler için.Yalniz degilim. Kurban degilim.Ben Azrail'im.Aci çekmeyi bilirim.Karanligi bilirim.Hikâye böyle bitmeyecek.''Pierce Brown, bilimkurgunun en gizli kalmis sirri. Üçlemenin çarpici ve ilham verici son kitabi öyle bir gerilimle dolu ki satirlar arasinda yere igne düsse duyuyorsunuz.'' -Entertainment Weekly-''Yepyeni bir bilimkurgu nesli yetistiren bu seri, beklentileri fazlasiyla karsilayan, kor gibi kizil bir sona ulasiyor.'', Adrian Liang-''Brown, Frank Herbert'in Dune'undaki gibi, tarih ile mitoloji arasindaki gölgelerde var olan karakterle dolu, çok katmanli, alternatif bir evren yaratiyor. Muazzam serinin sonu iddiali ve tatmin edici.''- Kirkus Reviews-Darrow huzur içinde yasayabilecekken düsmanlari ona savas getirmistir. Altin yöneticiler karisini asmis, halkini kölelestirmistir. Darrow ise karsi koymaya kararlidir ve Altinlarin arasina sizmak için her seyini riske atmistir. Toplum'un en güçlü savasçilarini yenip rütbesini yükseltmistir. Ancak hiyerarsiyi içeriden çökertecek devrime adim adim yaklasirken aniden sirtindan vurulmustur.Tüm hayatinin birikmis öfkesine ihanetin acisi eklenmisken karanliga kapilmamaya çalisan, bu süreçte Altin dostlarina sadakati ve özgürlük arzusu arasinda hirpalanan Darrow, Günes Sistemi'nin kaderi omuzlarindayken her zamankinden daha savunmasizdir. Onun gerçek kimligini bilen eski müttefikleri, sadakatlerini koruyacak midir? Altinlara karsi ayaklanmasi basariya ulasabilecek midir? Darrow baslattigi iç savasi mutlak zafere tasimaya çabalarken Altin tiranlara karsi direnen milyonlarca insanin hayatini degistirecek seçimler yapacaktir.''Mükemmel… Yildizlararasi iç savasi çok tatmin edici bir sona ulastirirken coskulu nutuklari, parçalanan ailelerin hikâyelerini ve çarpici çatisma sahnelerini okura ön siradan izletiyor.'' -Publishers Weekly-''Yildiz Savaslari'nda Jedi'in Dönüsü neyse, Kizil Isyan üçlemesinde de Sabah Yildizi o…'' -Torcom-(Tanitim Bülteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 1488Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Pegasus Ilk Baski Yili : 2016 Sayfa Sayisi : 1488 Dil : Türkçe PX0005077
Kızıl İsyan Serisi - Özel Kutulu Set 3 Kitap Takım


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