Kitab-ı Mukaddes

Kitab-ı Mukaddes

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The Bible, which means "Holy Book" and is defined as "The Bible" in English, "Die Bibel" in German, and "al-Kitab al-Mukaddas" in Arabic, consists of the holy writings of Judaism and Christianity combined by Christians. However, the Jews oppose this unification because they do not accept any books other than their own. The grouping of two different sections that make up the Bible as "Old Testament" and "New Testament" also belongs to Christians. In other words, the Bible is the holy book of Christianity.
By Christians; The Bible was viewed as "the Word of God in which there is no error" until the 14th century. The chapter on the Jews was believed to be "the true and authentic history of the religion of the Israelites", and the contradictions in the book were accepted as "the readers' flaw in understanding the text".
The reform movements that started in Italy and spread throughout Europe were also reflected in the fixed and unchanging thoughts about the Holy Bible. Research, especially concentrated in the 19th century, revealed that the text of the Bible "does not comply with literary and historical criteria."

Number of Pages: 200

Year of Printing: 2007

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Ozan Publishing

Number of Pages: 200

Year of First Printing: 2007

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Ozan Publishing
Number of pages : 200
Publication Year : 2007
ISBN : 9789944143004
The heart : Turkish
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Sema Koç Soğancı | 29/11/2024
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Bilal Kaya | 27/05/2024
Kitab-ı Mukaddes ''Kutsal Kitap'' anlamina gelen ve Ingilizcede ''The Bible'', Almancada ''Die Bibel'', Arapçada ''al-Kitab al-Mukaddas'' seklinde tanimlanan Kitab-i Mukaddes, Yahudilige ve Hiristiyanliga ait kutsal yazilarin, Hiristiyanlar tarafindan birlestirilmesinden olusmaktadir. Ancak, Yahudiler kendilerine ait olanlarin disinda hiçbir kitabi kabul etmediklerinden bu birlestirmeye karsi çikarlar. Kitab-i Mukaddes'i olusturan iki farkli bölümün ''Eski Ahit'' ve ''Yeni Ahit'' seklinde gruplandirilmasi da Hiristiyanlara aittir. Bir baska ifade ile Kitab-i Mukaddes, Hiristiyanligin kutsal kitabidir.Hiristiyanlarca; Kitab-i Mukaddes'e 14. yüzyila kadar ''içinde hiçbir hata bulunmayan Tanri Sözü'' olarak bakildi. Yahudilere ait bölümün, ''Israilogullarinin dininin gerçek ve aslina uygun tarihi'' olduguna inanildi ve kitabin içindeki çeliskiler, ''okuyanlarin metni anlamadaki kusuru'' olarak kabul edildi.Daha sonra Italya'da baslayip, Avrupa'ya yayilan yenilesme hareketleri, kutsal Kitap hakkindaki sabit ve degismez düsüncelere de yansidi. Özellikle 19. yüzyilda yogunlasan arastirmalar, Kitab-i Mukaddes metninin ''edebi ve tarihi kriterlerle uyusmadigini'' ortaya koydu.Sayfa Sayisi: 200Baski Yili: 2007Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ozan Yayincilik Sayfa Sayisi : 200 Ilk Baski Yili : 2007 Dil : Türkçe OZAN000021
Kitab-ı Mukaddes


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