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Michel Tournier, one of the greatest creators of today's French literature, builds his narrative based on myths, which are crystallized examples of collective consciousness, in his latest work, The Source and The Bush. Its main concern is to point out other living possibilities by intervening in today's daily life, which consumes the myths and parables in the Bible without questioning, which form the basis of Western culture...
The Source and the Bush, the story of people's endless search for the "Promised Land" from ancient times to the present day. , is actually a migration myth; A novel that tries to re-look at the phenomenon of "migration and immigrants", one of the hottest topics in human history from past to present. Migration continued with an uninterrupted flow throughout all ages of humanity; An action as real and human as love, anger, jealousy and war. In a sense, it is the expression of humankind's effort to reach from bush to resource, from fire to water. It also has a feature that completely changes the fate of societies.
Just as it completely changed Eleazar's life...
The year is 1845 when Priest Eleazar left his homeland Ireland, where the plague that decimated potatoes was reigning, with his wife and children. His journeys will not end when he sets foot on the Eastern coast of America, but will continue under the guidance of the Holy Book, which Eleazar guides him. The target reaches California, which the Bible identifies with the Land of Canaan, the "Promised Land". The mystical character of his experience in the Colorado desert makes Eleazar think that he is reading the Bible literally for the first time. He makes sense of his own fate in the light of Moses' fate. He accepts the drama of Moses, who was writhing between the Flaming Bush and the living Source, between Jehovah and the Hebrew people, as the essence of his own life...
This book, in which Eleazar's life is told in parallel with Moses', has a strong mythological background and a shocking story. It has fiction. At the same time, we are faced with an adventure that takes place in the little-known lands of America, intertwined with natives, outlaws, almost extinct bison and rattlesnakes, and decorated with "western" motifs...

< b>Number of Pages: 96

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Ayrinti Publications

Number of Pages: 96

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 96
Publication Year : 2017
ISBN : 9789755392950
The heart : Turkish
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Nursel DOĞAN | 25/10/2024
Kaynak Ve Çalı <font face="verdana"><p><br>Günümüz Fransiz edebiyatinin en büyük yaraticilarindan Michel Tournier, son yapiti Kaynak ve Çali'da kolektif bilincin kristallesmis örnekleri olan mitoslardan hareketle anlatisini kuruyor. Temel kaygisiysa, Bati kültürünün temelini olusturan mitoslarla Incil'de yer alan meselleri sorgulamaksizin tüketen günümüz gündelik hayatina müdahele ederek baska yasama imkanlarina isaret etmek...<br>Eski çaglardan günümüze, insanlarin bitip tükenmeyen "Vaat Edimlis Topraklar" arayisinin hikayesi olan Kaynak ve Çali, bir göç söyleni aslinda; geçmisten günümüze insanlik tarihinin en sicak konularindan biri olan "göç ve göçmen" olgusuna yeniden bakmayi deneyen bir roman. Insanligin bütün çaglarinda kesintisiz bir akisla süren göç; ask, öfke, kiskançlik ve savas kadar sahici ve insana özgü bir eylem. Insanoglunun çalidan kaynaga, atesten suya ulasma çabasinin anlatimi bir anlamda. Toplumlarin yazgisini tamamen degistiren bir özellige de sahip.<br>Eleazar'in hayatini tümüyle degistirmesinde oldugu gibi... <br>Rahip Eleazar, patatesleri kirip geçiren vebanin hüküm sürdügü anayurdu Irlanda'yi karisi ve çocuklariyla birlikte terk ettiginde yil 1845'tir. Yolculuklari, Amerika'nin Dogu sahiline ayak basildiginda bitmeyecek, Eleazar'in kendisine rehber kildigi Kutsal Kitap'in yol göstericiliginde devam edecektir. Hedef, Kutsal Kitap'in "Vaat Edilmis Topraklari" olan Kenan Ülkesi'yle özdeslestirdigi Kaliforniya'ya ulasmaktadir. Colorado çölünde yasadigi deneyimin mistikkarakteri, Eleazar'a Kutsal Kitap'i ilk kez gerçek anlamiyla okudugunu düsündürür. Kendi yazgisini, Musa'nin yazgisi isiginda anlamlandirir. Alevli Çali ile hayatsuyu Kaynak arasinda, Yehova ile Ibrani halki arasinda kivranip kalan Musa'nin dramini kendi yasaminin özü olarak kabul eder...<br>Eleazar'in yasaminin Musa'ninkine paralel olarak anlatildigi bu kitap, güçlü bir mitolojik altyapi ve sarsici bir kurguya sahip. Ayni zamanda Amerika'nin az bilinen topraklarinda geçen, yerliler, kanun kaçaklari, nesli neredeyse tükenmis bizonlar ve çingirakli yilanlarla örülü, "western" motifleriyle bezeli bir serüvenle de karsi karsiyayiz...<br><br><br><br><b>Sayfa Sayisi: </b>96<br><br><br><b>Dili: </b>Türkçe<br><b>Yayinevi: </b>Ayrinti Yayinlari</p> <p><strong>Sayfa Sayisi : </strong>96</p> <p><strong>Dil : </strong>Türkçe</p> <p></p></font> AYRINTI0658
Kaynak Ve Çalı


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