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The fourth book of the series consisting of Simenon's novels translated by the great masters of Turkish literature, L'assassin, dated 1937, was translated into Turkish by Tahsin Yücel in 1997 under the name Katıl.

Kupérus, who also reminds us of Popinga in The Desire to Live, is the story of someone whose life is suddenly turned upside down by an extraordinary event and who passes to another plane of reality, who begins to see the world, people and events in a different way, who does not regret what he has done, but who, on the other hand, always preoccupies his mind with this issue and inevitably finds himself in every situation. He is an example of the typical Simenon heroes who break away from everything.

The shaping of the subject in Katil, which discusses the individual's struggle with himself and the ways of resistance trying to cope with the tragedy of fulfilling the routines of daily life, the alienation of the individual from society and his ability to exist as a subject, the sudden change of perspective of a community, the appearance of the superficiality of value judgments, are the themes of Tahsin Yücel. It appears frequently in his works. Yücel has dealt with these themes in a very striking way, especially in his novels such as Mutfak Çıkmazi, The Last Five Days of the Prophet, The Legend of Bıyık and Citizen. And with a style that he praised in Simenon and felt close to him: with short sentences enriched with striking detail, without the need for long analyses, long and convoluted sentences.

"Simenon reflects the misty and rainy Northern European climates, the suffocating atmosphere of small cities that sticks to the throat of the lonely man under the appearance of prosperity and serenity, with a rare mastery. Thus, it far exceeds the level of the detective novel we know. The murderer is one of the good examples confirming this observation. To us, "In the context of a double murder, it shows in striking detail not only the inevitable collapse of the distinguished person who committed this murder, but also the change in the perspectives of the people of a whole town and the emergence of the superficiality of their value judgments and friendships."
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 150

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Everest Publications

Cover: Faruk Baydar
Prepared by: Cem Ileri

First Print Year: 2016

Number of Pages: 150

Language Turkish

Publisher : Everest Publications
Number of pages : 150
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9786051850795
Translator : Tahsin Yücel
The heart : Turkish
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Katil Türk edebiyatinin büyük ustalarinin çevirdigi Simenon romanlarindan olusan dizinin dördüncü kitabi 1937 tarihli L'assassin, Türkçeye Tahsin Yücel tarafindan Katil adiyla 1997 yilinda kazandirildi.Yasamak Hirsi'nin Popinga'sini da animsatan Kupérus, birdenbire siradisi bir olayla yasamlari altüst olarak bir baska gerçeklik düzlemine geçen, dünyayi, insanlari ve olaylari baska türlü görmeye baslayan, yaptiklarindan pismanlik duymayan ama bir yandan da zihnini hep bu meseleyle mesgul ederek kaçinilmaz biçimde her seyden kopan tipik Simenon kahramanlarinin bir örnegidir.Gündelik yasamin rutinlerini yerine getirme trajedisiyle bas etmeye çalisan bireyin kendiyle savasini, direnme sekillerini tartisan Katil'deki öznenin sekillendirilmesi, bireyin topluma yabancilasmasi ve kendini bir özne olarak var edebilmesi, bir toplulugun bakis açisinin birdenbire degisivermesi, deger yargilarinin yüzeyselliginin görünüvermesi izlekleri, Tahsin Yücel'in eserlerinde de sik sik karsimiza çikar. Yücel, özellikle Mutfak Çikmazi, Peygamberin Son Bes Günü, Biyik Söylencesi ve Vatandas gibi romanlarinda bu izlekleri son derece çarpici bir biçimde islemistir. Hem de Simenon'da övdügü ve kendisine yakin hissettigi bir biçemle: uzun çözümlemelere, uzun ve dolambaçli tümcelere gereksinim duymaksizin, çarpici bir ayrintiyla zenginlestirilmis kisa tümcelerle.''Simenon puslu ve yagmurlu Kuzey Avrupa iklimlerini, küçük kentlerin bir gönenç ve dinginlik görüntüsü altinda yalniz adamin girtlagina yapisan bogucu havasini benzerine az rastlanir bir ustalikla yansitir. Böylece, bildigimiz polis romani düzeyini fazlasiyla asar. Katil de bu gözlemi dogrulayan iyi örneklerden biridir. Bize, bir çifte cinayet çevresinde, yalnizca bu cinayeti isleyen seçkin kisinin kaçinilmaz çöküsünü degil, koca bir kasabanin insanlarinin bakis açilarinin degismesini, deger yargilarinin ve dostluklarinin yüzeyselliginin ortaya çikisini birbirinden çarpici ayrintilarla gösterir.''(Tanitim Bülteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 150Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Everest Yayinlari Kapak : Faruk Baydar Yayina Hazirlayan : Cem Ileri Ilk Baski Yili : 2016 Sayfa Sayisi : 150 Dil : Türkçe EVEREST384


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