Kara Prens

Kara Prens

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Iris Murdoch, one of the most important representatives of the twentieth century novel, questions some of the basic problems experienced by the modern individual with a dramatic fiction in The Black Prince. Within the complex weave of a love story, the author examines the nature of art and love from a bold perspective, free from prejudices. The complex spiritual conflicts experienced by different characters along the axes of life-art, love-freedom are reflected, sometimes with an ironic language and sometimes with an intellectual content.

Bradley Pearson, the hero and narrator of the novel, is an elderly writer. He lives alone; But he is surrounded by his ex-wife, his brother-in-law, Arnold Baffin, a younger writer, and his restless wife; The damaging relationships he entered into with some young girls began to bore him like a circle. Bradley tries to escape from everything.

While he searches for truth and common sense in his life as a writer, he also seeks to create a redemptive crisis through love. His failure and the problems caused by this failure bring a tragic dimension to his life. At one point in the novel, he addresses the reader:

One of the things that show that life is not like art, my dear friend, is that the characters in art have a dignity that cannot be violated.

However, characters in life do not have such a feature. But life also emulates this feature of art in a pathetic and constant way; Just like it emulates its other features. The Black Prince is a fascinating story of despair.

The fiction of the work, in which the author questions the concept of platonic love, psychology and indirectly religion, offers surprises to the reader with unexpected events that come one after the other. The Black Prince is a work that drags you while thinking.

For those who are not afraid to confront themselves...
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 410

Print Year: 2013

Language: English
Publisher: Ayrinti Publications

First Printing Year: 1999

Number of Pages: 410

Language: < /strong>English

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 410
Publication Year : 2013
ISBN : 9789755392783
Translator : Aysun Babacan
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Nursel DOĞAN | 25/10/2024
Kara Prens <font face="verdana"><p><br>Yirminci yüzyil romaninin en önemli temsilcilerinden biri olan Iris Murdoch, Kara Prens'te modern bireyin yasadigi kimi temel sorunlari dramatik bir kurguyla sorguluyor. Bir ask öyküsünün karmasik örgüsü içinde, sanatin ve askin dogasini önyargilardan arinmis, gözüpek bir bakis açisiyla irdeliyor yazar. Yasam-sanat, ask-özgürlük eksenleri boyunca, degisik karakterlerin yasadigi karmasik ruhsal çatismalar yer yer ironik bir dille, yer yer de entelektüel bir içerikle yansitiliyor.<br><br>Romanin kahramani ve anlaticisi olan Bradley Pearson yasini basini almis bir yazardir. Yalniz yasamaktadir; ama eski karisi, kayinbiraderi, kendinden daha genç bir yazar olan Arnold Baffin ve onun huzursuz karisi tarafindan kusatilmistir; birtakim genç kizlarla <br>girdigi yipratici iliskiler de bir çember gibi sikmaya baslamistir kendisini. Bradley her seyden kaçmaya çabalar. <br><br>Yazarlik yasami içinde gerçegi ve sagduyuyu ararken, ask yoluyla kurtarici bir bunalim yaratmanin da pesindedir. Basarisizligi ve bu basarisizligin yol açtigi sorunlar yasamina trajik bir boyut getirir. Söyle seslenir romanin bir yerinde okura: <br><br>Yasamin sanata benzemedigini gösteren seylerden biri de aziz dostum, sanattaki karakterlerde tecavüz edilemez bir vakar olmasi. <br><br>Oysa yasamdaki karakterlerin böyle bir özelligi yok. Ama yasam, acikli ve sürekli bir biçimde sanatin bu özelligine de öykünür; tipki diger özelliklerine öykündügü gibi. Umutsuzlugun büyüleyici bir öyküsü Kara Prens. <br><br>Yazarin platonik ask kavramini, psikolojiyi ve dolayli olarak dini sorguladigi yapitin kurgusu, arka arkaya gelen beklenmedik olaylarla okuyucuya sürprizler sunuyor. Düsündürürken sürükleyen bir yapit Kara Prens.<br><br>Kendisiyle yüzlesmekten korkmayanlar için...<br>(Tanitim Bülteninden)<br><br><br><br><b>Sayfa Sayisi: </b>410<br><br><b>Baski Yili: </b>2013<br><br><br><b>Dili: </b>Ingilizce<br><b>Yayinevi: </b>Ayrinti Yayinlari</p> <p><strong>Ilk Baski Yili : </strong>1999</p> <p><strong>Sayfa Sayisi : </strong>410</p> <p><strong>Dil : </strong>Ingilizce</p> <p></p></font> AYRINTI0663
Kara Prens


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