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Imre Kertesz, one of the most important names of contemporary Hungarian literature, published Destiny for the first time in Turkish, which the Hungarian Ministry of State refused to print, and when it was later translated into German and published, it received great attention from readers and critics. He was met with interest. Fate begins when a sixteen-year-old Hungarian boy of Jewish origin sends his father off to a labor camp. After a while, on his way to where he worked, he and his friends were caught by the police and put on a train to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Starting from that moment, everything the young person sees, hears, tastes and touches is expressed in all its details and liveliness. The young man describes everything he witnessed with subtle humour, without making any comments, evaluations, exaggerations or pessimism. 'Even in the chimneys there, there was something resembling happiness when the smoke stopped. Maybe this actual experience will remain forgotten for me, but what everyone wants to know is only the bad, only the 'horror'. Yes, if they ask again, I must tell them about this, this happiness in the concentration camp. If they ask. Even if I haven't forgotten it myself. 'This striking novel by Imre Kertesz, who also stayed in a concentration camp, has autobiographical features.

Number of Pages: 224

Print Year: 1999

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Can Publishing

< strong>First Printing Year: 1999

Number of Pages: 224

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Can Publishing
Number of pages : 224
Publication Year : 1999
ISBN : 9789750734250
The heart : Turkish
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Sema Koç Soğancı | 29/11/2024
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Bilal Kaya | 27/05/2024
Kadersizlik <font face="verdana"><p><br>Çagdas Macar edebiyatinin en önemli adlarindan biri olan Imre Kertesz, ilk kez Türkçede, Yazildiginda, Macaristan Devlet Bakanligi'nin basmayi reddettigi Kadersizlik, daha sonra Almancaya çevrilip basilinca, okurlar ve elestirmenlerin büyük ilgisiyle karsilanmisti. Kadersizlik, on alti yasindaki Yahudi asilli bir Macar gencinin, babasini çalisma kampina yolcu etmesiyle baslar. Bir süre sonra, çalistigi yere giderken, arkadaslariyla birlikte o da yolda polisçe yakalanip Auschwitz toplama kampina giden bir trene bindirilir. O andan baslayarak gencin agzindan, gördügü, duydugu, tattigi , dokundugu her sey, tüm ayrintilari ve canliligiyla dile getirilir. Genç, hiçbir yorum, hiçbir degerlendirme yapmadan, hiç abartiya kaçmadan, karamsarliga kapilmadan, tanik oldugu her seyi, ince bir mizahla anlatir. 'Oradaki bacalarda bile dumanlarin kesildigi anlarda mutluluga benzeyen bir seyler vardi. Belki de asil bu deneyim benim için unutulmus kalacak, ama herkesin ögrenmek istedigi, yalnizca kötü olan, yalnizca 'dehset'. Evet, bir daha soracak olurlarsa, onlara bunu, toplama kampindaki bu mutlulugu anlatmaliyim. Soracak olurlarsa. Kendim bile unutmus olmazsam. 'Kendisi de toplama kampinda kalmis olan Imre Kertesz'in bu çarpici romani, otobiyografik özellikler tasiyor.<br><br><br><br><b>Sayfa Sayisi: </b>224<br><br><b>Baski Yili: </b>1999<br><br><br><b>Dili: </b>Türkçe<br><b>Yayinevi: </b>Can Yayinlari</p> <p><strong>Ilk Baski Yili : </strong>1999</p> <p><strong>Sayfa Sayisi : </strong>224</p> <p><strong>Dil : </strong>Türkçe</p> <p></p></font> CAN0468


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