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İstanbul Hatırası, Clz

İstanbul Hatırası, Clz

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An exciting adventure stretching from Byzantium to Istanbul... A corpse at the feet of the Atatürk statue in Sarayburnu, an ancient pere in his palms... But this corpse is not the last victim, nor is this ancient coin the last coin. .Seven sacrifices, seven rulers, seven coins, seven ancient places. And one thing: the mysterious history of this city.

"We were looking at the city from the sea. Istanbul was in fog... The sea in fog... Our boat in fog. What we could see were the minarets of Sultanahmet, the dome of Hagia Sophia, the towers of Topkapi Palace. The city looked like it had never been looted, destroyed or polluted. With a pure white fog. Nature has covered everything that makes the image ugly. Like a dream that appears for a moment before the sun rises... Like a magical cloud... Like a fairy tale image... Like a newly founded city... Like a fresh start... Young, hopeful, beautiful...

We were looking at Istanbul from the sea. We were looking at the faces of our dead... At our own sorrow in their eyes. We were looking at our helplessness, the poverty growing in our hands, the cowardice sprouting in our blood... We were looking at the life that was taken from us... Our sunny days, the mornings full of hope, the fun spring evenings... We were looking at our fading memories, our dying dreams, our shattered dreams... Our fading memories, our dying dreams. "We were looking at ourselves, whom we had lost along with our city, as we carried our shattered dreams to our city that was moving away from us like a tired boat..."
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Thin Cover:

Number of Pages: 690

Year of Printing: 2016

Pocket Size:

Number of Pages: 690

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Everest Publications

Cover: Utku Lomlu

First Print Year: 2010

Number of Pages: 690

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Everest Publications
Number of pages : 690
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9789752897458
The heart : Turkish
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İstanbul Hatırası, Clz Byzantion'dan Istanbul'a uzanan, heyecan yüklü bir serüven... Sarayburnu'nda, Atatürk heykelinin ayaklarinin dibinde bir ceset, Avuçlarinda antik bir pere.... Ama ne bu ceset son kurban, ne de bu antik para son sikke... Yedi kurban, yedi hükümdar, yedi sikke, yedi kadim mekân. Ve tek bir gerçek: Bu sehrin gizemli tarihi.''Sehre bakiyorduk denizden. Sisler içindeydi Istanbul... Sisler içinde deniz... Sisler içinde teknemiz. Sultanahmet'in minareleriydi görülen, Ayasofya'nin kubbesi, Topkapi Sarayi'nin kuleleri. Hiç yagmalanmamis, yikilmamis, kirletilmemis gibiydi sehir. Bembeyaz bir sisle örtmüstü doga, ne varsa görüntüyü çirkinlestiren. Günes dogmadan bir anligina beliren bir hayal gibi... Büyülü bir bulut gibi... Bir masal imgesi gibi... Yeni kurulmus bir kent gibi... Taze bir baslangiç gibi... Genç, umutlu, güzel...Istanbul'a bakiyorduk denizden. Ölülerimizin yüzlerine bakiyorduk... Onlarin gözlerindeki kendi kederimize. Çaresizligimize bakiyorduk, avuçlarimizda büyüyen zavalliliga, kanimizda filizlenen korkakliga... Elimizden alman hayata bakiyorduk... Günesli günlerimize, umut dolu sabahlara, eglenceli bahar aksamlarina... Sönen anilarimiza bakiyorduk, ölen hayallerimize, yikilan düslerimize... Sönen anilarimizi, ölen hayallerimizi, yikilan düslerimizi yüklenip yorgun bir silep gibi bizden uzaklasan sehrimize... Sehrimizle birlikte yitirdigimiz kendimize bakiyorduk...''(Tanitim Bülteninden)Ince Kapak: Sayfa Sayisi: 690Baski Yili: 2016Cep Boy: Sayfa Sayisi: 690Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Everest Yayinlari Kapak : Utku Lomlu Ilk Baski Yili : 2010 Sayfa Sayisi : 690 Dil : Türkçe EVEREST846
İstanbul Hatırası, Clz


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