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İslamın İkinci Mesajı

İslamın İkinci Mesajı

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Mahmut Taha, whose life can be summarized with the words Islam and socialism, seems to have been left alone, approximately twenty-five years after his execution, as both an intellectual and a peace-loving man of cause. The non-intellectual approach, which addresses only the official mainstream of Islam and ignores approaches other than this, ignores such differences, no matter how deep they are, and in this way unknowingly escapes one aspect of its own truth.
The theses put forward by Mahmut Taha are shocking in terms of the world from which they come; However, what makes it strong is its political and social propositions as well as the method it uses to develop them.
He is a true utopian, but he is not a futurist who despises the past; Therefore, he is aware that even the newest word has actually been said before. His aim is to shake off the dust on those ancient words and to bring utopia out of the "golden age" of the past and into the light of today.
The path of every intellectual cavalryman carrying the torch of truth inevitably passes among the poor and oppressed. He searches for traces of a dawn when everyone lived equally and achieved "unity". While describing an order for this, coming to socialism as the equivalent of the equality inherent in Islam is not a coincidence or an arbitrary choice.
Islam does not have a specific economic system, it only has some economic rules: Zakat, fitra, alms... These rules continued with little differences in the slave system, feudal system and capitalist system. Any discussion of the essence of these systems was met with discontent among the orthodox traditions, and those who attempted to do so were pushed out of the field of legitimacy. For example, even "interest", which is the biggest economic prohibition, has been treated harshly and today it has become "profit share".
Mahmut Taha's understanding of Islam includes a discussion not about economic rules, but about the essence of the order, the heart of the system. For this reason, he clings to a dream that transcends capitalism and preaches absolute equality, without giving face to the Keynesian understanding of capitalism that has spread to scholars such as Sayyid Qutb. In his language, the fact that social equality and individual freedom are the ultimate goals of humanity causes divisions in the land on which it is located, while radically changing the traditional class preference of religion.
According to him, democracy, along with socialism, is one of the two wings of civilization. Society cannot fly with one wing. He speaks with enough confidence to say, "Unlike dictatorship, democracy is based on the right to make mistakes."

Thin Cover:

Number of Pages: 176

Year of Printing: 2011


Number of Pages: 181

Year of Printing: 2011

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Details Publications

First Print Year: 2011

Number of Pages: 176

Language Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 176
Publication Year : 2011
ISBN : 9789755396231
Translator : Haydar Aslan
The heart : Turkish
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İslamın İkinci Mesajı Hayati, Islam ve sosyalizm kelimeleriyle özetlenebilen Mahmut Taha, hem bir entelektüel hem de barissever bir dava adami olarak idamindan yaklasik yirmi bes yil sonra bir yalnizliga terk edilmis gibidir. Islam'in sadece resmilesmis ana akimini muhatap alip, bunun disindaki yaklasimlari yok sayan gayri entelektüel yaklasim, ne kadar derin olursa olsun bu tür farkliliklari görmezden gelir ve bu yolla kendi hakikatinin bir yü-zünden de kaçmis olur, bilmeden.Mahmut Taha'nin öne sürdügü tezler, içinden geldigi dünya açisindan sarsicidir; an-cak onu güçlü kilan sey politik ve toplumsal önermelerinin yani sira, bunlari gelistirirken ortaya koydugu yöntemdir.Gerçek bir ütopyacidir o ama geçmisi hor gören bir fütürist degildir; bu yüzden, en yeni sözün bile aslinda eskiden söylenmis oldugunun farkindadir. Muradi, o kadim sözlerin üzerindeki tozlari silkelemek ve ütopyayi, geçmisin ''altin çagi'' içinden çekip bugünün isigina çikarmaktir.Hakikatin mesalesini tasiyan her fikir süvarisinin yolu ister istemez yoksullarin ve ezi-lenlerin arasindan geçer. Herkesin esit yasadigi ve ''birlige'' erdigi bir safagin izlerini arar. Bunun için bir düzen tarif ederken, Islam'in özündeki esitligin karsiligi olarak sosyalizme gelinmesi bir tesadüf veya keyfi bir tercih degildir.Islam'in kendine özgü bir ekonomik sistemi yoktur, sadece birtakim ekonomik kurallari vardir: Zekât, fitre, sadaka... Bu kurallar, köleci sistemde, feodal sistemde ve kapitalist sistemde çok az farkliliklar göstererek devam etmistir. Bu sistemlerin özüne dair her tartisma ise ortodoks gelenekler arasinda hosnutsuzlukla karsilanmis, buna tesebbüs edenler mesruiyet alaninin disina itilmistir. Mesela en büyük ekonomik yasak olan ''faiz'' bile ser'i muameleden geçirilerek bugün ''kâr payi'' haline getirilmistir.Mahmut Taha'nin Islam anlayisinda, ekonomik kurallara degil, düzenin özüne, sistemin kalbine dair bir tartisma yer alir. Bu yüzden kapitalizmi kesin biçimde asan bir hülyaya sarilir ve Seyyid Kutub gibi âlimlere sirayet eden Keynesçi kapitalizm anlayisina yüz vermeden, mutlak esitligi vaaz eder. Onun dilinde toplumsal esitlik ve bireysel özgürlügün insanligin nihai hedefi olmasi, üzerinde yer aldigi toprakta yarilmalara yol açarken, dinin geleneksel sinif tercihini kökten degistirir.Ona göre demokrasi, sosyalizmle birlikte, uygarligin iki kanadindan biridir. Toplum tek kanatla uçamaz. ''Diktatörlügün aksine demokrasi yanlis yapma hakkina dayanir'' diyebilecek kadar özgüvenle konusur.Ince Kapak: Sayfa Sayisi: 176Baski Yili: 2011e-Kitap: Sayfa Sayisi: 181Baski Yili: 2011Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2011 Sayfa Sayisi : 176 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0533
İslamın İkinci Mesajı


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