Gündelik Hayatın Yapıları

Gündelik Hayatın Yapıları

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Fernand Braudel has been pursuing global history since his first monumental work, The Mediterranean . The method of constructing history in three layers, which he developed to achieve this goal, is today accepted as the most competent method achieved by this discipline. Braudel also built his work called Material Civilization, which is larger and more ambitious than the Mediterranean , on three floors. The first volume focuses on people's daily lives, that is, the area that changes the slowest; The second volume or floor, as he puts it, is devoted to the economy, that is, exchange and market, and finally the last volume/layer is devoted to the area of capitalism, which is changing most rapidly.

This work, which Braudel devoted thirty years to, is essentially an economic history. But as those who know the master's approach understand, economics does not have a more privileged place in his eyes than other "wholes"; Therefore, this book is also the history of culture, society and mentality. And in terms of Braudel's approach to global history, these are the constitutive segments of human history that should be examined in intersectional terms rather than separately.

(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Editor-in-Chief: Sebnem Çiler Tabakçi

Dough Type: 2nd Dough

Size: 16x24

First Printing Year: 2017

Number of Printings: 3rd Edition

Number of Pages: 558

Media Type: Paperback

Original Name: Civilization matérielle, économie et capitalisme (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) Volume 1. Les structures du quotidien

Original Language: French

Publisher : Imge Bookstore
Number of pages : 558
Publication Year : 2017
ISBN : 9789755333991
The heart : Turkish
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Gündelik Hayatın Yapıları Fernand Braudel ilk anitsal eseri Akdeniz’den beri global tarihin pesinde kosmaktadir. Bu amacina ulasmak için gelistirdigi, tarihi üç katli olarak insa etme yöntemi, bugün bu disiplinin ulastigi en yetkin yöntem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Braudel, Akdeniz’den daha büyük ve tutkulu olan Maddi Uygarlik adli eserini de üç katli olarak insa etmistir. Birinci cilt, insanlarin gündelik hayatlarina, yani en yavas degisenin alanina; ikinci cilt veya kat, onun deyimiyle ekonomiye, yani mübadeleye, pazara ve nihayet sonuncu cilt/kat da, en hizli degismekte olan kapitalizmin alanina ayrilmistir.   Braudel’in otuz yilini verdigi bu çalisma, esas olarak bir iktisat tarihidir. Ama üstadin yaklasimini bilenlerin kavradigi üzere, iktisat onun gözünde diger “bütün”lerden daha ayricalikli bir yere sahip degildir; o halde bu kitap ayni zamanda kültür, toplum ve zihniyet tarihi de olmaktadir. Ve zaten Braudel’in global tarih yaklasimi açisindan bunlar, ayri ayri degil de, kesisme terimleri içinde incelenmeleri gereken, insani tarihin olusturucu kesimleridir. (Tanitim Bülteninden) Genel Yayin Yönetmeni : Sebnem Çiler Tabakçi Hamur Tipi : 2. Hamur Ebat : 16x24 Ilk Baski Yili : 2017 Baski Sayisi : 3. Basim Sayfa Sayisi : 558 Medya Cinsi : Ciltsiz Orijinal Adi : Civilisation matérielle, économie et capitalisme (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) Volume 1. Les structures du quotidien Orijinal Dili : Fransizca PX0012999
Gündelik Hayatın Yapıları


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