Gıda Krizi

Gıda Krizi

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Is an agriculture without peasants and farmers possible? For a long time, we have been made to believe in a story told by modern states, whether capitalist or real socialist. According to this story, agriculture would be rescued from the hands of ignorant villagers and transferred to "institutions" (now "companies") where expert technicians would work, thus productivity would increase many times and humanity would no longer have a "food" problem. What was called "development", "development" or "modernization" was actually a quantity related to the reduction of the peasant population, although it was not always expressed clearly. The liberation of humanity would be liberation from the peasantry; Food production would also boom thanks to miraculous pesticides, artificial fertilizers, genetic interventions for seed improvement, HEPP-oriented irrigation technologies and mechanization.

Abdullah Aysu, spokesperson of the Confederation Platform of Farmers' Unions, which is in close cooperation with the world farmers' organization La Via Campesina, discusses the consequences of this tale. It examines the global crisis caused by food production under the domination of giant capitalist companies and its repercussions in Turkey from a three-pronged perspective, focusing on the relationships between agriculture, ecology and sovereignty.

This book is not a propaganda of despair. Aysu also discusses the ways of fighting that can be effective against all this destruction: It investigates the concept of "food sovereignty" developed by the world's farmers and alternative ways of food production, distribution and consumption to capitalist technocracy that can be developed with inspiration from the "Wise Peasant Farming Style".

It is an ideal book to fully learn the truths we intuit and partially know: a guide to the bread we eat, our own lives, and the future of our children.
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 312

Year of Printing: 2015

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Metis Publishing

Prepared by: Tuncay Birkan
Prepared by: Eylem Can

First Print Year: 2015

Number of Pages: 312

Language Turkish

Publisher : Metis Publishing
Number of pages : 312
Publication Year : 2015
ISBN : 9789753425766
The heart : Turkish
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Gıda Krizi


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