Philosophical Tales
Philosophical tales: Stories, fictions, fabrications, false statements, tricks, lies, outright lies. Or just false statements, evasive answers and narratives that are not entirely based on reality... The book in your hands is a kind of "alternative" history of philosophy work that compiles, analyzes and conveys the great philosophical tales. A philosophical approach applied to philosophy itself. This approach triggers some critical questions: Where do great philosophers come from? What is the source of your ideas? Who decides what is important and what is unimportant? Is it a coincidence that there are almost no women among philosophers and most of them are wealthy aristocratic men? Did Chinese and Indian philosophers really have little influence on Europe? Why is Descartes' "modern" philosophy full of backward references to God? Is Hegel an idiot who can't write (as Schopenhauer claimed), or is he simply too difficult for most of us? Or should we attempt a Marxist-style deconstruction of this gigantic temple of knowledge?
This book is an attempt to “nudge” the philosophical Pantheon a bit, to dip its toes into a magnificent sea, or perhaps to allow in a few new faces. Of course, the aim is not to "destroy" but to revitalize philosophy. The issue is not whether “philosophers” are supposed to be different from the rest of us, or whether they are genuine philosophers, or whether philosophy itself is all nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, and rubbish. The point, rather, is that philosophy is a much more collective process and much more subtle than those who want to construct knowledge hierarchically want it to be known; The democratization of philosophy and thought for everyone as much as possible for everyone...
(From the Promotional Bulletin)
Dough Type: 2nd Dough
Size: 13.5 x 21.5
First Printing Year: 2020
Number of Printings: 1st Edition
Language: Turkish
Publisher | : | Details Publications |
Number of pages | : | 2020 |
Publication Year | : | Turkish |
ISBN | : | 9786053143307 |
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