Faşizmin Anatomisi

Faşizmin Anatomisi

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"...let's follow fascism in action; from the initial developments to the final disaster it created and within the complex interaction network it created with society... Ordinary citizens and all those with political, social, cultural and economic power who helped fascism or could not resist it are part of this story. "When we are done, perhaps we can give a better definition of fascism."

In countries where fascism came to power and in countries where it could not become a candidate for power and only created mass mobilization, it experienced similar strong crisis situations, sensitivities against the left, "fears of corruption and collapse; emphasis on national and cultural identity; the threat posed by foreigners who could not be assimilated against national identity and a solid social order, and He used the hysteria of "the need for more authority to deal with these problems". It is not an ideology that came to power solely by luck, as liberals describe, and consists only of bandit exploitation. It is not necessary for ideological consistency, for the leader to always make decisions according to fascist principles, or for party members to agree on every issue. "Fascism is neither the smooth implementation of its program nor reckless opportunism."
In his Anatomy of Fascism, Robert Paxton discusses fascist parties and movements, especially in Italy and Germany. He distinguishes between the "first phase" of fascism, which is on the alert against various situations of fear and crisis in every country, and the "second phase" examples, in which the political center, society and the world of ideas establish the legitimacy of fascism on the way to power, and he prepares his readers by analyzing fascism "in action" or waiting on the sidelines. He warns: "If we become sensitive to forewarnings, we may be able to detect real fascism when it is at the stage of emergence."
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 419

Year of Printing: 2014

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Iletisim Publishing

Number of Pages: 419

First Printing Year: 2014

Language Turkish

Publisher : Contact Publishing
Number of pages : 419
Publication Year : 2014
ISBN : 9789750515316
The heart : Turkish
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Savaş Kocaman | 16/09/2024
Faşizmin Anatomisi ''…fasizmi is basinda izleyelim; en bastaki gelismelerden, yarattigi nihai felakete kadar ve toplumla olusturdugu karmasik etkilesim aginin içinde... Siradan vatandaslar ve fasizme yardim etmis ya da ona direnememis bütün politik, toplumsal, kültürel ve ekonomik güç sahipleri bu hikâyenin bir parçasidir. Isimiz bittiginde, fasizme uygun bir tanimi daha iyi verebiliriz belki.''Fasizm iktidara geldigi ülkelerde de, iktidar adayi olamayip yalnizca kitlesel mobilizasyon yarattigi ülkelerde de benzer kuvvetli kriz durumlarini, sola karsi hassasiyetleri, ''yozlasma ve çöküs korkularini; milli ve kültürel kimligin öne çikarilmasini; asimile edilemeyen yabancilarin milli kimlige ve saglam toplumsal düzene karsi olusturduklari tehdidi ve bu sorunlarla basa çikmak için daha fazla otoriteye duyulan ihtiyaç'' histerisini kullanmistir. Liberallerin tarif ettigi gibi yalnizca sansla iktidara gelmis, sadece haydut sömürüsünden ibaret bir ideoloji de degildir. Ideolojik tutarlilik, liderin her zaman fasist ilkelere göre kararlari vermesi, parti üyelerinin her konuda uzlasmis olmasi da gerekmez. ''Fasizm ne kendi programinin sorunsuz bir uygulamasindan ne de pervasiz bir firsatçiliktan ibarettir.'' Robert Paxton, Fasizmin Anatomisi'nde fasist parti ve hareketleri Italya ve Almanya basta olmak üzere ele aliyor. Her ülkede çesitli korku ve kriz durumlarina karsi teyakkuzda bulunan fasizmin ''birinci asama''siyla iktidara giden yolda siyasi merkezin, toplumun ve fikirler dünyasinin fasizmin mesruiyetini tesis ettigi ''ikinci asama'' örnekleri ayiriyor ve fasizmi ''is basinda'' ya da kenarda hazir beklerken tahlil ederek okurlarini uyariyor: ''Ön uyarilara karsi hassaslasirsak, gerçek bir fasizmi ortaya çikma asamasindayken fark edebilirz belki.''(Tanitim Bülteninden)Sayfa Sayisi: 419Baski Yili: 2014Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Iletisim Yayincilik Sayfa Sayisi : 419 Ilk Baski Yili : 2014 Dil : Türkçe ILETISIM562
Faşizmin Anatomisi


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