Deniz - Bir İsyancının İzleri

Deniz - Bir İsyancının İzleri

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The public first became aware of him in 1966. Fifty-four municipal workers from Çorum came to Istanbul from Çorum, walking barefoot, and then

On Wednesday, August 31, 1966, he protested in Taksim Square to condemn the Türk-Is executives. nineteen years old,

Deniz was taken into custody during the protest in which he participated as MEDICAL Üsküdar District Secretary. He would be detained and arrested countless times until his execution on Saturday, May 6, 1972. His twenty-five years of life; He spent his time fighting against injustice and exploitation, including the moments when he was a fugitive. With his actions and his name immortalized on the gallows, there was no house left where he was not a guest. Everyone loved him very much. Families named their newborn children after him. You see, Deniz is starting an invasion for university reform, the next thing you know, he is marching in Samsun-Ankara to complain about the political power to Atatürk; One day, he is discussing the problems of socialism in a panel, the next thing you know, he is detained in an action to condemn the US Ambassador Komer... He is the one who clashed with the police in Beyazit Square, and he is the one who went to Palestine to receive guerrilla training; A speaker at the Ho Chi Minh commemoration meeting, an activist who opened fire and wounded two police officers on duty in front of the US Embassy, a militant who kidnapped four US soldiers with his friends... Yes, the one who was captured at the end of the armed conflict in Sarkisla, while he was in prison, was trying to condemn the amendment of the 1961 Constitution. He is the one who went on hunger strike... His name is mentioned in every incident. Everyone, whether they know him or not, tells him something about him. For this reason, the public makes him a legend while he is alive, and cannot believe that he is dead for a long time when he is executed. Today, Deniz Gezmiş posters are one of the indispensable images of anti-imperialist demonstrations... Revolutionary young people wear t-shirts with his photo printed on them.

The seas are increasing and becoming oceans

(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Media Type: Paperback

First Printing Year: 2017

Dough Type: 2nd Dough

Number of Pages: 476

Size: 14x21

Number of Printings: 1st Edition

Publisher : Totem
Number of pages : 476
Publication Year : 2017
ISBN : 9789944330329
The heart : Turkish
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Deniz - Bir İsyancının İzleri Kamuoyu onu ilk kez 1966’da tanidi. Çorumlu elli dört belediye isçisi, yalinayak yürüyerek Çorum’dan Istanbul’a gelmis, sonra da 31 Agustos 1966 Çarsamba günü, Türk-Is yöneticilerini kinamaknamaciyla Taksim Meydani’nda eylem yapmisti. On dokuz yasinda, TIP Üsküdar Ilçe Sekreteri olarak katildigi eylemde gözaltina alinmisti Deniz. Idam edildigi 6 Mayis 1972 Cumartesi gününe kadar, sayisiz kez gözaltina alinip tutuklanacakti. O, yirmi bes yillik yasamini; kaçak oldugu anlar da dahil, adaletsizlige, sömürüye karsi mücadele etmekle geçirdi. Yaptigi eylemlerle ve daragacinda ölümsüzlesen ismiyle, konuk olmadigi ev kalmamisti. Herkes onu çok sevdi. Aileler dogan çocuklarina onun ismini verdi. Deniz, bir bakiyorsunuz üniversite reformu için isgal baslatiyor, bir bakiyorsunuz politik iktidari Atatürk’e sikâyet etmek amaciyla Samsun-Ankara yürüyüsünde; bir bakiyorsunuz bir panelde sosyalizmin sorunlarini tartisiyor, bir bakiyorsunuz ABD Büyükelçisi Komer’i kinama eyleminde gözaltina alinmis… Beyazit Meydani’nda polisle çatisan da o, Filistin’e gerilla egitimi almaya giden de;  Ho Chi Minh’i anma toplantisinda konusmaci, ABD Büyükelçiligi önünde nöbet tutan iki polise ates açarak yaralayan eylemci, dört ABD’li askeri arkadaslariyla kaçiran bir militan… Evet, Sarkisla’da silahli çatisma sonunda yakalanan da, tutukluyken 1961 Anayasasi’nin degistirilmesini kinamak amaciyla açlik grevine giden de o… Her olayda ismi geçiyor. Tanisin tanimasin herkes onun hakkinda bir seyler anlatiyor. Bu nedenle, kamuoyu onu yasarken bir efsane haline getiriyor, idam edildiginde öldügüne uzun süre inanamiyor. Bugün, Deniz Gezmis posterleri, antiemperyalist gösterilerin vazgeçilmez görüntülerinden biri... Devrimci gençler, onun fotografinin basildigi tisörtleri giyiyor.   Denizler çogaliyor, okyanus oluyor  (Tanitim Bülteninden) Medya Cinsi : Ciltsiz Ilk Baski Yili : 2017 Hamur Tipi : 2. Hamur Sayfa Sayisi : 476 Ebat : 14x21 Baski Sayisi : 1. Basim TOTEM000407
Deniz - Bir İsyancının İzleri


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