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Bugünlerde Bahar İndi

Bugünlerde Bahar İndi

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Turkey's universal writer Yaşar Kemal, who started writing poems in his early youth, before stories and novels, collected his poems in the book titled These days, Bahar Indi, published by Yapı Kredi Publications.
Yaşar Kemal's book named Bahar Indi These Days will meet with readers at the beginning of October; It mainly consists of masterful poems written in the 1940s, continued in the 50s and 60s, and the last one was written in 1973. In addition to the poems published for the first time, the book includes; There are also poems published in magazines named Kovan, Ülkü, Toprak, Küçük Dergi, Çig, Görüşler and in the newspapers Vatan and Aksam.

While preparing this first poetry book, Yaşar Kemal made changes in a few of the poems he chose. In addition, Yaşar Kemal's original writing was preserved in the book as it was one of the features that gave his poetry its special voice.

In the poems in the book, anger and hope, rebellion and love are intertwined. Yaşar Kemal writes a poem that would scare even the most itchy poet from its originality: It expresses the sadness, resistance and hope of Kemal Sadik, who wanted to work but was left unemployed... The book also includes the previously unpublished poems Ulas and Hello, composed by Zülfü Livaneli. .

From book editor Güven Turan's article titled "The First Book of a Hiding Poet":
"Yasar Kemal concentrated on poetry until 1945... Let's remember right away: The writing date of his first story, "Piş Öykü?", is 1946... The rest crowns the pages of the history of Turkish stories and novels, combining several poems published in the 1950s. But here is the unfinished poem of Yaşar Kemal, "poetry is a scream; This book includes five brand new, previously unpublished poems that justify the saying "an unsuppressable scream". Let's say that we heard the poems "Ulas" and "Hello", composed by Zülfü Livane and in Livaneli's voice... Now, do not focus on them from the focus of the poem. It's time. First of all, what draws our attention is that both poems are inspired by traditional folk poetry. However, despite the similarity of the patterns, they are original and not easily classified in terms of form. Is the poem "Ulas" an elegy written for Ulas Bardakci? I don't think so... There is neither complaint nor pity... No regrets, which is the basis of elegies. Contrary to a rebel poem; a poem that stands tall... Is it an epic? The foundation that prevents such a thing from happening There is one thing: He is not a narrator, he does not enumerate or narrate the heroism of Ulas. Moreover, he does not focus only on Ulas: He surrounds the murdered revolutionaries of the 1960s and 1970s during the war of Eluard and Aragon. I think "Ulas" is a poem that does not easily fit into a box, like the poems he writes. Although "Hello" uses classical folk poetry patterns, it is a poem that does not taste like a cliché. It reveals that Yaşar Kemal never abandoned the "Aşık", the "Aşık Kemal" character of his youth, throughout his writing life extending from the 1940s to the 1970s.

Number of Pages: 112

Year of Printing: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Yapı Kredi Publications

Number of Pages: 112

First Print Year: 2010

Language Turkish

Publisher : Yapı Kredi Publications
Number of pages : 112
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9789750818806
The heart : Turkish
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Bugünlerde Bahar İndi Ilkgençlik yillarinda, hikâye ve romandan önce, siir yazmaya baslayan Türkiye'nin evrensel yazari Yasar Kemal, siirlerini Yapi Kredi Yayinlari tarafindan yayimlanan Bugünlerde Bahar Indi adli kitapta topladi. Yasar Kemal'in, Ekim basinda okurlarla bulusacak Bugünlerde Bahar Indi adli kitabi; agirlikli olarak 1940'larda yazilan, 50'ler ve 60'larda devam eden ve sonuncusu 1973'te yazilan usta isi siirlerden olusuyor. Kitapta, ilk kez yayimlanan siirlerin yani sira; Kovan, Ülkü, Toprak, Küçük Dergi, Çig, Görüsler adli dergilerde ve Vatan ve Aksam gazetelerinde yayimlanan siirler de yer aliyor. Yasar Kemal bu ilk siir kitabini hazirlarken, seçtigi siirlerin pek azinda degisiklik yapti. Ayrica, onun siirine özel sesini veren özelliklerden biri oldugu için, kitapta Yasar Kemal'in özgün yazimi aynen korundu. Kitapta yer alan siirlerde öfkeyle umut, baskaldiriyla sevgi iç içe yer aliyor. En kasintili sairin bile özgünlügünden ürkebilecegi bir siir yaziyor Yasar Kemal: O, çalismak isteyip issiz kalan Kemal Sadik'in hüznünü, direncini, umudunu, dile getiriyor... Kitapta, daha önce yayimlanmamis ancak Zülfü Livaneli tarafindan bestelenmis Ulas ve Merhaba siirleri de yer aliyor. Kitap editörü Güven Turan'in ''Gizlenen Bir Sairin Ilk Kitabi'' adli yazisindan: ''Yasar Kemal 1945'e kadar yogunlasmis siirde ve çekilmis... Hemen animsayalim: Ilk öyküsü ''Pis Hikaye?''nin yazilis tarihi 1946'dir... Sonrasi, Türk öykü ve roman tarihinin sayfalarini taçlandiriyor, 1950'lerde yayimlanan birkaç siiri bir yana. Ama burada bitmemis siiri Yasar Kemal'in ''siir bir çigliktir; bastirilamayan bir çiglik'' sözünü hakli çikaran daha önce yayimlanmamis bes yepyeni siir daha yer aliyor bu kitapta. Haydi, diyelim ki ''Ulas'' ve ''Merhaba'' siirlerini Zülfü Livane'li bestesiyle, Livaneli'nin sesinden duyduk... Simdi onlara siirin odagindan egilme zamani geldi iste. Öncelikle dikkatimizi çeken, her iki siirin de geleneksel halk siirinden beslenmis olduklari. Özellikle ses, ton halk siiri kaynakli. Gene de, kaliplarin benzerligine karsin, özgün ve kliselerden uzak siirler bunlar. Form olarak da kolay siniflandirilir gibi degiller. Örnegin ''Ulas'' siiri Ulas Bardakçi için yazilmis bir agit mi? Bence degil... Ne yakinma var ne acima... Vahlanma yok, agitlarin temeli olan. Isyanci bir siir aksine; diklenen bir siir... Bir destan mi? Böyle olmasini engelleyen temel bir sey var: Anlatimci degil, sayip dökmüyor, öykülemiyor kahramanliklarini Ulas'in. Ayrica, sadece Ulas'a da odaklanmiyor: ''Selam söyle'' diye 1960'larin ve 1970'lerin öldürülen devrimcilerini kusatiyor. Eluard'in, Aragon'un savas sirasinda yazdigi siirler gibi, kolay kolay kabina, kalibina sigmayan bir siir ''Ulas'' bence. ''Merhaba'', klasik halk siiri kaliplarini kullansa da, klise tadi vermeyen bir siir. Yasar Kemal'in 1940'lardan 1970'lere uzanan bütün yazi hayati içinde ilkgençlik yillarinin ''Âsik''ligini, ''Âsik Kemal''ligini, hiç birakmadigini ortaya koyuyor.''Sayfa Sayisi: 112Baski Yili: 2016Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Yapi Kredi Yayinlari Sayfa Sayisi : 112 Ilk Baski Yili : 2010 Dil : Türkçe YKY0294
Bugünlerde Bahar İndi


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