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Bitmeyen Yolculuk - Oğuzhan Müftüoğlu Kitabı

Bitmeyen Yolculuk - Oğuzhan Müftüoğlu Kitabı

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Oguzhan Müftüoğlu was born in Anamur in 1944. He joined the Dev-Genç movement in the 60s, when he was a student at Ankara University Faculty of Law. Before Kızıldere, he fought in the ranks of THKP-C together with Mahir Çayan and his friends. He was tried and sentenced for the Dev-Genç and THKP-C cases. He was released with an amnesty in 1974. In the 70s, he played a primary role in the establishment of the Revolutionary Youth movement and then the Devrimci Yol movement. He was tried as the number 1 defendant in the Devrimci Yol main case, which was opened after September 12. He was released in 1991 after 11 years of prison life. He took part in the establishment of the Foundation for Social Research, Culture and Art, the Freedom and Solidarity Party and the BirGün newspaper.
Adnan Bostancioglu talked about his life with Oguzhan Müftüoğlu, starting from his childhood until today, in the interviews that started in 2008 and lasted for about three years with various intervals. Müftüoğlu's life is also the history of the rise and defeat periods of the revolutionary movement in Turkey... Therefore, the axis of the interview was the struggle process extending from Dev-Genç of the 60s to Devrimci Yol of the 70s and the aftermath of September 12. Events that left their mark on the period, people who stood out or remained in the shadows; Tortures, trials and prisons, which are an integral part of the history of the left, became the milestones of the Neverending Journey.
"The period we live in is a period extending from the 1960s to the 2000s. 40-odd years. What I experienced during this period, what I witnessed, and the events for which I was primarily responsible are not only my own. This period is a period that affects both the country and the revolutionary struggle." (...) I do not think of writing a memoir for myself, but I also accept that it is necessary to put the things I experienced or witnessed into writing in some way. I think that perhaps we can meet this need to some extent with such an interview. (Oguzhan Müftüoğlu)

Thin Cover:

Number of Pages: 336

Year of Printing: 2015


Number of Pages: 314

Year of Printing: 2011

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Details Publications

First Print Year: 2011

Number of Pages: 336

Language Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 336
Publication Year : 2015
ISBN : 9789755395883
The heart : Turkish
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Bitmeyen Yolculuk - Oğuzhan Müftüoğlu Kitabı Oguzhan Müftüoglu 1944 yilinda Anamur'da dogdu. 60'li yillarda Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi ögrencisiyken Dev-Genç hareketine katildi. Kizildere öncesinde Mahir Çayan ve arkadaslariyla birlikte THKP-C saflarinda mücadele etti. Dev-Genç ve THKP-C davalarindan yargilandi, ceza aldi. 1974 affiyla birlikte tahliye edildi. 70'li yillarda önce Devrimci Gençlik, ardindan Devrimci Yol hareketinin kurulmasinda öncelikli rol oynadi. 12 Eylül'den sonra açilan Devrimci Yol ana davasinda 1 numarali sanik olarak yargilandi. 11 yillik cezaevi yasaminin ardindan 1991'de tahliye oldu. Toplumsal Arastirmalar Kültür ve Sanat için Vakif'in, Özgürlük ve Dayanisma Partisi'nin ve BirGün gazetesinin kurulusunda yer aldi.Adnan Bostancioglu, 2008 yilinda basladigi ve muhtelif fasilalarla yaklasik üç yil süren görüsmelerde, Oguzhan Müftüoglu ile çocuklugundan baslayarak bugüne kadar olan yasamini konustu. Müftüoglu'nun yasami, Türkiye'de devrimci hareketin yükselis ve yenilgi dönemlerinin de tarihi... Dolayisiyla söylesinin eksenini, 60'li yillarin Dev-Genç'inden 70'li yillarin Devrimci Yol'una uzanan mücadele süreci ve 12 Eylül sonrasi olusturdu. Döneme damgasini vurmus olaylar, öne çikmis ya da gölgede kalmis insanlar; solun tarihinin ayrilmaz bir parçasi olan iskenceler, mahkemeler, cezaevleri Bitmeyen Yolculuk'un kilometre taslari oldu.''Bizim yasadigimiz dönem, 1960'lardan 2000'li yillara kadar uzanan bir süre. 40 küsur yil. Bu süre boyunca benim yasadiklarim, tanik olduklarim, birinci dereceden sorumlu oldugum olaylar sadece bana ait seyler degil. Bu dönem hem ülke açisindan hem de devrimci mücadele açisindan önemli bir dönem. (...) Ben kendi adima bir ani kitabi yazmayi düsünmüyorum; ama yasadigim veya tanigi oldugum seylerin, bir sekilde yazili hale getirilmesinin gerekli oldugunu da kabul ediyorum. Belki böyle bir söylesiyle bu ihtiyaci bir ölçüde karsilayabiliriz diye düsünüyorum.'' (Oguzhan Müftüoglu)Ince Kapak: Sayfa Sayisi: 336Baski Yili: 2015e-Kitap: Sayfa Sayisi: 314Baski Yili: 2011Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2011 Sayfa Sayisi : 336 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0549
Bitmeyen Yolculuk - Oğuzhan Müftüoğlu Kitabı


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