Betty Blue

Betty Blue

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Let's state it right away: The novel in your hand tells about a "predatory" love. "Love" is not a book for those who want to live with the expectations of happiness and marriage; Not at all!.. Those who are in favor of a quiet life, those who are afraid of their pink dreams being destroyed, should not read it...
Described by critics as a myth and a sincerely and bravely written novel, Betty Blue is the story of a woman working in bars and a plumber. It tells the struggle of ordinary people, that is, anti-heroes, to live their love and change their destiny. The woman is someone who cannot hold back her anger against the falsehoods and vileness of the contemporary world. He is naked and unprotected against life; has no account. The man belongs to a generation that is experienced in loneliness and the meaninglessness of objects, and who is devastated because he cannot realize his rebellion. He goes to a deserted corner of the world to establish a miniature life. He writes a book and forgets. He settles for drinking beer and watching the sun set in the evenings. One day, a woman comes with her anger, femininity and authenticity. They embark on a journey together into the details of hell, where the man's anger is increasingly ignited... They do not hesitate to fight with those who do not care about their differences and those who want to keep their heads down. They will not surrender to the world that is gradually turning into a shithole. They get injured. They wound.

At one point in the novel, the man says: "To set certain goals in life is to chain oneself." It is necessary to understand that "Happiness does not exist, Heaven does not exist, there is nothing to gain or lose, and the essence of anything cannot be changed." To believe that "and from now on, only despair remains for man" is to make a mistake once again. "Because despair is also an illusion."

The novel of those who do not agree with their fate, those who do not want to control their anger, those with a fire burning in their hearts... One of the most "predatory" examples of underground literature...

" The perfect translation of the book's translator Aysen Ekmekçi, who 'reads' Philippe Djian's world well, really adds a different flavor to the book. I have only one word to say to Ayrınti Yayınları: Well done! As for those who have watched the movie Bettty Blue... This book and the movie. "There is not only a difference in life but also in the world and the soul."
-Binyil Book Supplement-
(From the Promotional Bulletin)

Number of Pages: 368

Printing Year: 2016

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Ayrinti Publications

First Edition Year: 1999

Number of Pages: 368

Language: Turkish

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Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 368
Publication Year : 2016
ISBN : 9789755391779
Translator : Ayşen Ekmekçi
The heart : Turkish
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Betty Blue <font face="verdana"><p><br>Hemen belirtelim: Elinizdeki roman "yirtici" bir aski anlatiyor. "Ask"i, mutluluk ve evlilik beklentileriyle yasamak isteyenlere göre bir kitap degil; hiç degil!.. Sakin bir hayattan yana olan-lar, pembe rüyalarinin yikilmasindan korkanlar, okumasinlar... <br>Elestirmenlerce bir mit, içtenlikle ve cesurca kaleme alinmis bir roman olarak nitelendirilen Betty Blue, barlarda çalisan bir kadinla bir musluk tamircisinin, yani siradan insanlarin, yani anti-kahramanlarin asklarini yasamak ve kaderlerini degistirmek için verdikleri mücadeleyi anlatir. Kadin, çagdas dünyanin sahteliklerine ve alçakliklarina karsi öfkesini dizgin-lemeyen biridir. Hayata karsi çirilçiplaktir, korunmasizdir; hiçbir hesabi yoktur. Erkek, yalnizlik ve nesnelerin anlamsizligi konusunda deneyimli, isyanini gerçeklestiremedigi için kendini için için yiyen bir kusaga mensuptur. Minyatür bir hayat kurmak için dünyanin issiz bir kösesine gider. Bir kitap yazar ve unutur. Aksamlari bira içerek günesin batisini sey-retmeye razi olur. Bir gün kadin öfkesiyle, disiligiyle, sahici-ligiyle gelir. Erkegin öfkesinin de giderek ateslendigi cehen-nemin ayrintilarina dogru uzanan bir yolculuga beraberce çikarlar... Farkliliklarina aldirmayanlarla, baslarini egdirmek isteyenlerle kavga etmekten çekinmezler. Giderek bir bok çukuruna dönüsen dünyaya teslim olmazlar. Yaralanirlar. Yaralarlar.<br><br>Romanin bir yerinde erkek 'öyle der: "Hayatta birtakim he-defler saptamak, kendini zincire vurmaktir." "Mutluluk'un var olmadigini, Cennet'in var olmadigini, kazanilacak ya da kaybedilecek hiçbir sey olmadigini ve hiçbir seyin özünün degistirilemeyecegini" anlamak gerekir. "Ve bundan sonra insana sadece ümitsizligin kaldigina" inanmak bir kere daha yanilmaktir. "Çünkü ümitsizlik de bir yanilsamadir."<br><br>Kaderine razi olmayanlarin, öfkesini kontrol etmek istemeyen-lerin, yüreginde ates yananlarin romani... Yeralti edebiyatinin en "yirtici" örneklerinden biri...<br><br>"Philippe Djian'in dünyasini iyi 'okuyan' kitabin çevirmeni Aysen Ekmekçi'nin kusursuz çevirisi de gerçekten kitaba çok ayri bir tat katmakta. Ayrinti Yayinlari'na ise edecegim tek söz var: Helal olsun! Bettty Blue filmini izlemis kisilere gelince… Bu kitap ile film arasinda sadece hayat degil, dünya ve ruh farki var." <br>-Binyil Kitap Eki-<br>(Tanitim Bülteninden)<br><br><br><br><b>Sayfa Sayisi: </b>368<br><br><b>Baski Yili: </b>2016<br><br><br><b>Dili: </b>Türkçe<br><b>Yayinevi: </b>Ayrinti Yayinlari</p> <p><strong>Ilk Baski Yili : </strong>1999</p> <p><strong>Sayfa Sayisi : </strong>368</p> <p><strong>Dil : </strong>Türkçe</p> <p></p></font> AYRINTI0704
Betty Blue


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