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After The Craftsman, the first of the books designed as a trilogy, Richard Sennett questions how we can learn to cooperate and cooperate in today's extremely tribal, competitive and self-centered world.

Living together with people who are racially, ethnically, religiously or economically very different is one of the most important problems facing today's civilized societies. We generally avoid dealing with people who are not like us, and modern politics is closer to a tribal politics than an urban politics. In this book that encourages people to think beyond the obvious, Richard Sennett focuses on the causes of tribalism and selfishness and also discusses what should be done about this issue.

According to Sennett, collaboration is a matter of skill, and the basis of successful collaboration lies in learning to listen and discuss rather than conflict. In Together, Sennett explores how people can collaborate on street corners, in schools, in workplaces and local politics, or in the virtual world. In this journey, we follow the development of cooperation rituals from the Middle Ages to the present day, from slave communities to Parisian socialist groups and Wall Street employees. Discussing the nature of cooperation, why it has weakened and how it can be strengthened in three parts, Sennett warns us as follows: If we want the well-being of our societies, which have become a network of complex relationships, we need to acquire and develop cooperation skills. And again he assures us: We can do this because the capacity for cooperation is inherent in humans.

Number of Pages: 352

Year of Printing: 2012

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Details Publications

First Printing Year: 2012

Number of Pages: 352

Language Turkish

Publisher : Details Publications
Number of pages : 352
Publication Year : 2012
ISBN : 9789755396675
Translator : İlkay Özkuralpli
The heart : Turkish
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Nursel DOĞAN | 25/10/2024
Beraber Bir üçleme olarak tasarlanan kitaplardan ilki Zanaatkâr'dan sonra, ikinci kitap Beraber'de Richard Sennett günümüzün son derece kabileci, yarismaci ve benmerkezci dünyasinda isbirligi yapmayi, ortaklasmayi nasil ögrenebilecegimizi sorguluyor.Irksal, etnik, dinsel ya da ekonomik olarak çok farkli insanlarla bir arada yasamak bugünkü medeni toplumlarin karsisina dikilen en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Genel olarak bizim gibi olmayan insanlarla iliskiye girmekten kaçariz ve modern politikalar bir kent politikasindan çok bir kabile politikasina yakindar. Richard Sennett, görünenin ötesini düsünmeye kiskirtan bu kitabinda, kabileciligin, bencilligin nedenleri üzerinde dururken, bu konuda neler yapilmasi gerektigini de tartisiyor.Sennett'e göre, isbirligi bir beceri isidir ve basarili bir isbirliginin temelinde çekismeden çok dinlemeyi ve tartismayi ögrenmek yatar. Sennett, Beraber'de, insanlarin sokak köselerinde, okullarda, isyerlerinde ve yerel politikada ya da sanal dünyada nasil isbirligi yapabilecegini kesfe çikiyor. Bu yolculukta, ortaçagdan günümüze, köle topluluklarindan Paris'in sosyalist gruplarina ve Wall Street çalisanlarina uzanan isbirligi ritüellerinin gelisim seyrini izliyoruz. Üç bölüm halinde, isbirliginin dogasi, neden zayifladigi ve nasil güçlendirilebilecegini tartisan Sennett bizi söyle uyariyor: Eger karmasik iliskiler agi haline gelmis toplumlarimizin refahini istiyorsak, isbirligi becerisi kazanmamiz ve gelistirmemiz gerekir. Ve yine bizi söyle temin ediyor: Bunu yapabiliriz çünkü isbirligi kapasitesi insanin dogasinda vardir.Sayfa Sayisi: 352Baski Yili: 2012Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Ayrinti Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2012 Sayfa Sayisi : 352 Dil : Türkçe AYRINTI0503


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