Bektaşilerin Serencamı

Bektaşilerin Serencamı

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XIX. At the beginning of the century, the Bektashis encountered a great disaster and went through transformation. In 1826, Bektashism was banned along with the Janissary Corps, and Bektashi lodges were closed and demolished. While the dervishes were exiled, their real estate and belongings were taken away from them. In those years, it was forbidden to even walk around in Bektasi clothes. Bektasis, who had lodges on three continents along with the Ottoman Empire, resisted the ban for years. Over time, they reopened their lodges. They struggled to exist in Anatolia, Rumelia, Egypt, Iraq and many Ottoman provinces. During this period, while the conflicts between the postnis in the central lodge continued, an intense activity was initiated in Sinop under the leadership of Yesari Baba. Kızıldeli and Piri Baba lodges regained their former positions. Apart from Sinop, intense Bektasi propaganda was seen in Edirne, to the extent that it alarmed the government. The Ottoman government did not break off its relations with the central lodge of "tarik i nazenin", which it officially banned and whose members were strictly monitored. In fact, Hacı Bektaş Veli Lodge witnessed unprecedented repairs and construction activities.

Bektashi's Serencami opens the door to the change and transformation that Bektashis went through with this struggle for existence during the years of prohibition. This work, consisting of seven titles, dates back to the 19th century. It makes it easier to understand today based on what happened in the century.

Number of Pages: 180

Year of Printing: 2012

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Kapi Publications

First Publication Year: 2012

Number of Pages: 180

Language: Turkish

Publisher : Door Publications
Number of pages : 180
Publication Year : 2012
ISBN : 9786054683253
The heart : Turkish
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Bektaşilerin Serencamı XIX. yüzyilin baslarinda Bektasi'ler büyük bir felaketle karsilastilar ve dönüsüm yasadilar. 1826 yilinda Bektasilik, Yeniçeri Ocagi ile birlikte yasaklanip Bektasi tekkeleri kapatildi ve yiktirildi. Dervisler sürgün edilirken emlak ve esyalari ellerinden alindi. Bu yillarda Bektasi kiyafetiyle dolasmak dahi yasakti. Osmanli ile birlikte üç kitada tekkelere sahip olan Bektasi'ler yillarca yasaga direndiler. Zamanla tekkelerini yeniden açtilar. Anadolu'da, Rumeli'de, Misir'da, Irak'ta ve pek çok memalik i Osmaniye'de var olma mücadelesi verdiler. Bu dönemde merkez tekkede postnisin çekismeleri sürerken Sinop'ta Yesari Baba liderliginde yogun bir faaliyet baslatildi. Kizildeli ve Piri Baba tekkeleri eski konumlarina yeniden kavustular. Sinop'un disinda Edirne'de hükümeti endiseye sevk edecek ölçüde yogun bir Bektasi propagandasi görüldü. Osmanli hükümeti resmî olarak yasakladigi ve mensuplarini siki sikiya takip ettigi ''tarik i nâzenin''in merkez tekkesi ile iliskilerini kesmedi. Hatta Haci Bektas Veli tekkesi daha önce görülmemis tamirlere ve yapi faaliyetlerine sahne oldu.Bektasi'lerin Serencami yasakli yillarda Bektasilerin yasadiklari bu var olma mücadelesi ile geçirdikleri degisim ve dönüsüme kapi araliyor. Yedi basliktan meydana gelen bu çalisma XIX. yüzyilda yasananlardan hareketle bugünü de anlamayi kolaylastiriyor.Sayfa Sayisi: 180Baski Yili: 2012Dili: TürkçeYayinevi: Kapi Yayinlari Ilk Baski Yili : 2012 Sayfa Sayisi : 180 Dil : Türkçe PX0011178
Bektaşilerin Serencamı


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