Baba Tahirê Uryan: Diwan of His Life and Views
- Espîdebazê Hamadanî - Hamadanlı White Falcon
Ez im ew bazê spî yê hemedî
Min li ser dew hêlîn a string of dani
A baskên xwe difirim chiya bi chiya
A çengên xwe jî planting nêçîrvanî
Kadri Yıldırım, who has a vast knowledge of Kurdish culture and Middle Eastern cultures in general, and is one of the researchers who bring the madrasah and the academy together, discusses "Espîdebazê Hemedanî", the White Falcon from Hemedan, Baba Tahirê Uryan, in this new work.
In the first part of the book, which consists of two parts, Baba Tahir's period, his life, thoughts and works are examined. In the second part, Hewrami, Kurmanji and Turkish translations of the dubeyts are included, along with the Lorî original.
Baba Tahir, who lived a thousand years ago, influenced Ömer Hayyam, who died about 70 years after him, more than Ibn Arabi, who died a hundred years after him and is considered the architect of the understanding of "unity of existence" and "unity of creation". He first defended these understandings and reflected them in his poems.
I am a white hawk from Hamadan
I built my nest on the top of the mountain
I fly with my wings from mountain to mountain
I'm hunting with my claws
Number of pages | : | 392 |
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