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Nobel Prize-winning French writer and thinker Andre Gide emphasized throughout his life that the most important criterion of social and individual morality is the sincerity and self-knowledge of the individual. Separate Path is one of Andre Gide's novels in which he expresses this view most clearly.

The author, who openly supports those who defend the freedom of the individual against the traditional understanding of morality and is therefore described as a revolutionary, expresses in this work his efforts to find solutions to the problems in human relations, based on his own marriage.

Separate Path, honeymoon An adventure of confrontation and quest that begins when archaeologist Michel, who goes to Tunisia with his wife to spend his life, catches tuberculosis, and continues with his recovery and later with his wife getting sick. In this novel written by one of the most masterful writers of world literature, you will read the story of a man who discovers his homosexuality and tries to get rid of the concepts imposed by the social order and become as free as possible, and while doing this, he conflicts with himself.

Number of Pages. : 156

Printing Year: 2014

Language: Turkish
Publisher: Can Yayınları

Number of Pages: 156

First Edition Year: 2009

Language : Turkish

Publisher : Can Publishing
Number of pages : 156
Publication Year : 2014
ISBN : 9789750710933
The heart : Turkish
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Sema Koç Soğancı | 29/11/2024
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Bilal Kaya | 27/05/2024
Ayrı Yol <font face="verdana"><p><br>Nobel ödüllü Fransiz yazar ve düsünür Andre Gide, yasami boyunca toplumsal ve bireysel ahlakin en önemli ölçütünün bireyin içtenligi ve kendini tanimasi oldugunu vurgulamistir. Ayri Yol, Andre Gide'in bu görüsünü en net biçimde dile getirdigi romanlarindan biri. <br><br>Geleneksel ahlak anlayisinin karsisinda bireyin özgürlügünü savunanlara açik destek veren ve bu nedenle devrimci olarak nitelendirilen yazar, bu yapitinda, kendi evliliginden yola çikarak insan iliskilerindeki sorunlara çözüm getirme çabalarini dile getiriyor.<br><br>Ayri Yol, balayini geçirmek üzere karisiyla birlikte Tunus'a giden arkeolog Michel'in vereme yakalanmasiyla baslayan, onun iyilesmesi ve daha sonra karisinin hastalanmasiyla devam eden bir yüzlesme ve arayis serüveni. Dünya edebiyatinin en usta yazarlarindan birinin kaleminden çikan bu romanda, escinselligini kesfeden ve toplumsal düzenin dayattigi kavramlardan siyrilip olabildigince özgürlesmeye çalisan, bunu yaparken de kendisiyle çatisan bir erkegin öyküsünü okuyacaksiniz.<br><br><br><br><b>Sayfa Sayisi: </b>156<br><br><b>Baski Yili: </b>2014<br><br><br><b>Dili: </b>Türkçe<br><b>Yayinevi: </b>Can Yayinlari</p> <p><strong>Sayfa Sayisi : </strong>156</p> <p><strong>Ilk Baski Yili : </strong>2009</p> <p><strong>Dil : </strong>Türkçe</p> <p></p></font> CAN0302
Ayrı Yol


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